The mind is nonphysical, but anchored to the body.
We can think of the mind as residing in the head, because a) the neurons used for thought are there and b) we see, hear and smell from our heads, so the mind makes more sense there than in, say, our hands.
I think the problem lies in an inherent difficulty trying to conceptualize that which conceptualizes.
In my view the images, formulae, systems, analogies that we use to describe matter are really insufficient to know what it actually is.
Pretty much all of it is a backward description, derived from what it does, and much of this has to do with comparisons, measurements.
These can never truly get to what it actually is as itself.
With respect to the mind, because we are talking about human beings, the mind is associated with spirit.
While we associate mind with feelings, sensations, perceptions, the rudiments of thought and behaviour, our minds are spiritual.
Mind at this point has to do with our relationship with God.
As such, it then involves the appreciation of the good, beauty, truth and the capacity to create and to love - free will.
As has been discussed, human beings are a unity.
While we may speak of the brain or the mind as separate entities, we have to be very clear that we lose a lot of information about humanity when we do that.
We can describe this unity in different ways;
- the spirit is present throughout the body, thereby creating a human being
- the spirit contains the body
- the spirit and the body, to a greater extent than sperm and egg, combine to bring about a new creature
- there is one entity that is a living human being, who upon death returns to the earth and to his/her relationship with God.
To me the mind is the head as part of the unity that is a human being.
How one feels, what one perceives and how one acts are physically-speaking, those areas of the cortex, the limbic system, the muscles and the world itself, all superimposed (if you will) experientially on each other.
This entire experience, related to thoughts and perceptions, is at the same time governed by physical processes.
The spirit is one with the physical being of the person in the world.
This unity sees the creation of the mind-brain, as part of the greater whole of the person, who has hands.
IOW: In the person, mind and the brain are one.