The bottom line is that contraceptives are things, drugs or actions that disorder the marital act.
The marital act is ordered in the way God designed. When we go monkeying around with that order, it is to work against God.
For people who don’t have christian beliefs and are going to have sex outside of marriage anyway, they should have the right to have safe sex and have access to contraceptives.
No one has a “right” to sex outside of the bonds of a valid marriage.
What I don’t understand is all the catholics I know who despise its existence and think it shouldn’t even be legal.
I have never met a Catholic who is working to have laws made against contraceptives. That ship sailed back in the 20th century. What we must do now is to spread the Gospel, the joy of living according to God’s plan.
If people didn’t have access to contraceptives, the abortion and std rates would go way up.
Do you have some statistics?
In the US, the Supreme Court made contraceptive use legal in 1965. I’d challenge you to go find the abortion rate before that date vs today.
Did you know that in the many SCOTUS cases that have argued abortion, one of the reasons for abortion is “reliance on the availability of abortion in the event contraception should fail.” (Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 1992)
This is another thing that can be misunderstood. With this you are speaking strictly of condoms. We now know that HPV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the three of the most common.
HPV is not stopped by condoms because it is spread by skin to skin contact (unless you are using a full body condom). Kissing, even touching skin where you cannot see any visible warts, people shed the virus from more places than what is covered by a condom.
Same thing for Gonorrhea. People can get it in their eyes, and again, full body condoms are not yet a thing.
The science is still out on Chlamydia, it is not known if the bacteria is spread through touch.
I know that every health class and PSA tells us that a condom keeps you completely safe, but, I would suggest educating yourself.