Trying to claim that birth control is effective given the number of women who get pregnant in spite of it seems almost crazy to me and it’s almost cruel to assume that anyone woman who is failed by contraception must have done it wrong in some way.
I feel the same way about women who have gotten pregnant through NFP. The number is truly unknown because the numbers of users are small and…official method failures are classified as…no instructor/self taught…which could mean a number of different things.
I’ve belonged to several NFP support groups on Facebook…with several thousand followers per group. The number of posts that pop up from women who have gotten pregnant multiple times from multiple methods is alarming…to be blunt. I think it’s one of the only ways to see if the method is actually effective. Especially since official failures that contribute to how effective is the method is, are failures confirmed through an instructor verifying it was a method failure and not a user failure.
But to classify and advertise that NFP is 98% effective is just as ridiculous and out there, and yes, cruel as the number you’ve seen get pregnant while on the pill.
I commented that we all know women who have gotten pregnant on the pill. My best friend did and also ignored her symptoms until she went to see her OB for a routine physical.
I’ve gotten pregnant twice…while desperately trying to avoid…through NFP. So, I don’t trust the method at all.
And we don’t all have the luxury of finding a physician to teach the method. Truth be told…most instructors are catholic nurses who take an online course on the method and are certified after being self-guided/self taught. I’ll take my doctors over that…all of whom have stated that they would never advise the method to avoid pregnancy.
I’ve looked around my area. We have one midwife who is familiar with the methods but does not teach any of them. I live in a city, with several hospitals, and I work in health care at one of the hospitals.