**1. **Yes, it is time to “poke” the hornet’s nest.
**2. **The word “universe” means everything that exists. Therefore the questions like “what exists outside the universe?” and “what existed before the universe came into existence?” or “what caused the universe to exist?” are all illegitimate, invalid questions. Just like what exists to the north from the North Pole. To use the words “outside” or “before” the universe are meaningless. Causation is undefined for the universe, it is only defined inside the universe.
**3. **Of course the definition “everything that exists” does not limit existence to physical existence. There is the conceptual existence, which is the realm of ideas or concepts. And there is the alleged existence of gods, angels, demons, and other hypothetical beings. These alleged entities are not supposed to be physical, but not fully conceptual either. Yet they are able to interact with the physical existence in some nebulous, undefined way. How? No one can establish that.
**4. **The point is that we can experience the physical existence either directly (with our senses) or indirectly, via the extension of the senses. Yet, some believers assert that the physical existence needs some external “explanation”, while the non-physical realm needs no such explanation.
- Hopefully you’re not allergic.
- When you define it that way, yes, you are right. The problem is that it renders the word itself rather meaningless… Why not just say “everything”?
The question then ought NOT be “why is there something rather than nothing,” since you are associating God as part of the “something” (which is fair enough but abnormal here on CAF). The question ought to be “why is there that which is in this way,” or something similar.
- Back to flirting with logical positivism. And the interactions between the immaterial and material are certainly not unexplored. Let me share with you a lesson that I had to learn the hard way:
- Still stuck on logical positivism. And no, the immaterial requires an explanation as well… until you finally arrive at the principle which does not need an explanation. As you say, it is nonsensical to ask for one, as God simply exists and is an absolute condition for reality.