What good comes out of my depression?

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The bible states that God works for good in all situations. What good comes of my depression then?
Suffering has a high crown if it is involuntary and accepted humbly.
I’m sorry. Depression is no joke, and I hope you’re being treated for it.

Sometimes it’s just not clear to us why we have this cross or another.

Generally, we strive to live our best life with the circumstances we have—we seek treatment, reach out to others, get enough sleep and exercise, proper nourishment and sunshine.

Catholics believe we can turn our suffering into prayer by offering it God to do with as He wishes.
Offered to God for the conversation of sinners… as reparation to the Virgin Mary… any suffering can become a catalyst for salvation for many! Just as Christ’s suffering and death redeemed us, our suffering and death can join with his and bear much fruit.

This said, do seek whatever amelioration of your suffering possible!!
Well, we can’t really be specific on your situation, as we don’t know everything about your situation nor the plans God has for you in His Providence.

We can speak in general terms or, barring that, try to guess.

But know there is support for you. This gives you the chance to grow in your trust of Jesus. He was a “Man of Sorrows,” knowing full well suffering Himself.

But as the other posters have said, look into getting help and support. I will pray for you!
When we are generally at our weakest, this is when we are at our strongest.

We just have to dig that little bit deeper and put our trust in God’s will not our own will.

Never be afraid.
This may not be the same for you, but, I am more creative when I am depressed, as it helps me cope with it better.
The good that comes from a Lover of Christ’s depression is the strengthening of our will, as well as the knowledge that can be shared with others to help them overcome their depression sooner, rather than later. We will also gain greater emotional stability, especially amidst greater darkness, as we learn to rely on Christ for our peace.

And in hopes of helping you overcome depression sooner, here is a practice that has helped me COPE (Christ Offering Peace to Everyone) with my depression.
  1. I recognized that depression has the root of a temptation from Satan that says, “As is, my life isn’t good enough.”
  2. I learned that: If we pray ever more fervently for the conversion of souls every time we feel tempted, Satan will stop trying to tempt us in that manner because he knows the temptation will only push us into deeper Love of God.
  3. So when I am tempted to feel, think or do bad, I pray for the conversions of the hearts, minds, wills and souls for as many people by name or role that I can think of that are related to the temptation, including myself.
Thank you for your time and consideration, may the peace of Christ be with you amidst these dark times, and thanks be to God!

P.S. Keep in mind that Romans 8:28 (Romans 8:28 And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.) shares that “For those who love God, all things with together for good…” Our depression indicates we lack love for God, so we should grow our love for God when we feel depressed, then we will recognize all things working for good more easily.
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What good comes from our happiness? Christ said BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT. Better to be sad than happy states ecclesiasticus. Because our suffering produces so much wealth contemplation detatchment from the world that if we knew its hidden spiritual expiatory power we would only desire to suffer. So says St. Theresa of Avila. St. Theresa said if we only knew the power of one hail mary, we would die to our sins all over again and suffer all to be able to pray this single prayer. Have you read about purgatory and united yourself with other suffering victim souls for Christ? You are blessed, you are ON THE CROSS. Praise the Lord! St. Julie Marie Jahenny suffered so much as the bride of Christ. Please read about her and get yourself a blessed scapular of benediction. One health note do you eat fish oil? Lack of omega 3s is a huge problem in american diet. It can Cause depression.
I’m sorry for being a bit vague here but I feel as though this would be a lot easier to go through if I knew why I was going through it and if God would let me know that actual tangible good would come from it. I appreciate the responses very much so thanks to everyone who’s responded.
Hebrews 4:15-16 says “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

When you suffer, God is making you more like Christ. As christians, we are called to be Christ-like, so by enduring suffering, we are becoming closer to God. When someone insults me or something to that effect, I thank God because He’s making me come closer to Christ. Thank God for your suffering – it goes a long way to help one who is depressed. Christ went through far more suffering than we have, so He will understand what it’s like to feel depressed when you pray to Him. Isaiah went as far as to say that He was “a man of sorrows”.
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the website Aletia has some interesting stories of saints who battled depression ,some quotes from them. check it out…
I can’t say much good has come from my suffering of depression throughout my life…
May I make a comment from a non-religious perspective? I don’t think anything I am going to say contracts Catholic teaching. It’s scientific speculation.

First of all, depression seems to be in every society. In the Bible Job seems to manifest it pretty clearly. It’s an ever-present human condition.

So, why did evolution not select against depression so people would be happier, form more relationships, have more children? It must have had an advantage. But the advantage will not be to the individual because people do not live as individuals. We live in groups. And it is the spread of beneficial characteristics through groups that leads to evolution.

So, we can speculate that groups that had people in them who were depressed must have been more likely to survive, prosper and eventually become us.

Here’s an article that suggests something along these lines. If this hypothesis is true ti says you are someone with something to offer to your family, community and society. You might not feel great about it all the time, but in that lack of joy maybe greater benefit to those you love. Good luck!

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