In thinking about all of your posts over the past few months, I think the advice that stands out as the best to me is this post from kage_ar on Nov 3rd (sorry I don’t know how to pull a quote from one thread over to another, so this is cut & paste):
"If you were my sister or my best friend, here is the way I’d draw it out.
If he is not putting you in physical danger, there is a cholice to make (if you are in physical danger, you should just go…)
You have a decision to make, do you want to be married to this man or not. If your true answer in your heart is yes, then, it is time to love him.
In other posts, you have stated that he is not Catholic, and does not really practice any form of Christianity. So, you have married a non-practicing Christian. There are non-Catholic Christians who do not believe that pornography or masturbation are sins – they will teach in marriage classes that erotic movies are acceptable ways to “spice up” a marriage, there are some who teach that self-gratification is a good way to KEEP from sinning. This really is a message in some parts of the “Christian” community, and you cannot expect someone to un-learn that overnight. Now, if your husband is not even a practicing Christian, he most likely does not see these things as sinful.
Take a deep breath and realize that you walked into his house, saw the “porn” and freaked out on him (from his perspective) for something that is just a normal thing. So – my advice for the time being – stop talking about it. Just be blind to the fact that it is in the house for now. Let GOD do the changing of his heart. You may need to take another vacation or stay with someone for a couple of weeks to get yourself ready, but, do it.
Second, don’t beat him over the head with the fact that you saved yourself for marriage and he did not. What you did was a good pure noble thing, but, it we are not supposed to use good pure noble things as weapons – if you use a priceless gold and jeweled candle stick to bash someone up side of the head, it not only injures the person, bit damages the beautiful candlestick.
So, starting today be nice to him. Be friendly, be kind. If you stay at home, fix nice meals or suggest going out to a nice restaurant and a play. Date him again, do not respond to evil with evil, but respond to evil with good. Be the best example of Christian love you can be. Remember, Jesus hung on a cross and died for your husband. I’m NOT saying that you should jump right into the bedroom – you both need to work back to that place – but, you can be nice and kind and fun WITHOUT having sex (you did it when you were dating, remember?). Go to the gym with him. Ask him to go to church with you, and if he says no – smile your sweetest smile and say “okay, I’ll see you at 2” – and on the way back from Church, maybe stop and pick up a nice pastry or other goodie – tell him with your actions that going to Church puts you in a sunny frame of mind.
Pray for him every day, and that does not mean getting on your knees and shaking your rosary in his face, just between you and God and have the Saints join you. When you are vacuuming the floor, offer it up for your marriage. When you are washing dishes, offer it up for your marriage. When you are gritting your teeth when he says crude things, offer it up for your marriage. Pray for his conversion, you can be the best advertisement for the Faith by letting the love shine from you.
If he will not go to a councilor together, then you go alone – and keep asking him to join you (not nagging) – let him see the positive impact it makes on you.
This will be a hard cross, and if you feel you do not want to stay married to him –
So, in your heart you cannot stay married to this man. Then what is the very worst thing that can happen? You divorce him and apply to the marriage tribunal for a review of the validity of the marriage. They make their investigation; see that the marriage was valid. You then live your life civilly divorced, and are not free to marry. You go to school, or to work, you commit yourself to the Church – and continue mission work – you find your vocation, and you go on with your life. That is the worst thing that could happen.
Perhaps an annulment would be granted – cross that bridge when you get there, but, if you leave – know it your mind that a life where you are validly but not civilly married may be your cross to bear, and then bear it.
Right now, you are miserable. There is a fork in the road, take one of them. Stay in or get out. You need, with the help of the prayers of the Saints, your family and your friends, and the grace of the sacraments – to make a decision and stick to it. Inaction will just serve to make the situation go from bad to worse.
Prayers for you!"