What have I gotten myself into

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Fast once a week for your wife–or skip breakfast, or lunch. Obviously the Holy Ghost is planning to use you to bring your wife to Christ. Let him do the work. Do not try to win arguments with your wife. Sorry if this sounds sexist (ladies on this thread) but you can probalby win every argument, but you will lose the war.

Chris C.
I highly recommend you get some information on NFP. NFP is very effective and is not the rythmn method of years gone by. Most when they say NFP do not know what it even entails.

God Bless
Hi guys…remember me? I’m the guy who went to confession after 15 yrs of disbelief…

I need some advice…

Now, she is extremely angry at me. She said I should have talked to her first about this decision, that when she married me I was not a ‘holy roller’ and she dosen’t want to be married to one. She is a ‘cafeteria Catholic’ where she picks and chooses what she wants to believe. She said some not nice things about the Church, that she didn’t want the burden of NFP because of all that is involved, that since the Chuch wasn’t paying for her babies that she was going to do what she thought was right.

I have had a couple of bouts with panic attacks in the past with a little depression thrown in, and she said she could put up with all of that stuff, but not this. She said if I thought religion was going to make my mind better that I was crazy.

I don’t know what to do. I was just trying to do the right thing. She’s right, I should have discussed this with her first, but there was really nothing to discuss.

Please pray for us!
I will definitely pray for you and your wife.

Anyway, I just had to comment. You are saying that you should have consulted your wife about your conversion, if I understand you correctly.

Please understand, if you put your spouses’ opinions and beliefs before your own, especially when you have found the Truth, then you have broken the 1st Commandment and you are putting your spouse before God.

She has no say over your soul, and as Jesus said, families would be broken over dissent when believers followed him. You are facing this now.

I’m not saying that things have to blow up or you should leave your wife (God forbid!) but possibly attending marriage counseling and asking everyone you know to pray for your wife would be appropriate. Give this problem to God to solve, and remember who is actually in charge here.

When it comes to faith, no one on earth shoud interfere or make us question the works of the Holy Spirit.

That’s my 2 cents. God Bless you both and I will be praying for you!
ppcpilot -

My brother, I feel like I am reading about my own life. About
3 years ago I became “hollier than thou” and it has been a long road.

I will not bore you with details but the Holy Spirit has gotten my wife to go from someone who was a new ager and wife who was “offended” by her husbands “judgemental” faith. He has moved her to a woman who has gone to confession, is considering NFP, and who last week I caught kneeling before Our Lady crying and thanking her for answering her prayers.

We have more rough moments than good ones. However, you can not sway from your beliefs and you can not force them on her. I learned that early on. You must pray for her and allow the Holy Spirit to work with in her and of course ask for the intercesion of Our Lady.

I had a strong converstion that brought me back to The Faith just before the birth of our first child and it was a real shock to her and it was to me also. I did not know how to react to what the Lord was doing to my heart. I told her every night about the books I was reading, about how great and powerfull the rosary is, etc…
but in the end the only success I have seen is not only brining her to the faith but also saving our marriage , is the power of the Holy Spirit.

So pray, pray , pray and remember to pray some more.

I would like to second what Steve G said. Look at the E5 men apostolate. It’s committed Catholic men fasting on bread and water one day a month for their wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, or even their future wives. What a powerful message for a woman to know that her husband is willing to do that for her! Meanwhile, I will pray for you both.

What you’re doing is right; what you’re doing is for the love of Christ–don’t lay down your cross just because your wife doesn’t understand or is afraid to be open to fruitfulness and your new love (of God). Be patient, be kind, pray for her, but don’t give in to sin–that won’t help either of you. You can’t change her heart but since God has changed yours, there is no turning back!

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Pet 2.9-10

I will remember you both in my prayers, tonight.

In Christ our Salvation,
There is more than one way to skin a cat.
If the ethical dimension of contraception, especially the pill, does not convince, than the health aspects of the pill may. There is enough medical evidence about the harmfulness of oral contraceptives to make any health-conscious woman have serious second thoughts about using it. We’re talking blood-clot problems, breast cancer, and cervical cancer (400% increased risk!), big-time health risks from the oral contraceptive.:crying:

Obviously i don’t know what your wife is likely to respond to, but if she sees that your persuasion is not just out of a worry about sins that she may not believe in, but real love ❤️ and concern and a desire for what’s best for her, she might change her mind for her sake and yours.
Then comes the possibility of a deeper conversion :getholy: to the faith and morals of the Church.
I appreciate all of the support and prayers…We both missed church one weekend, and I told her we would have to go to Mass earlier so I could go to confession. She reluctantly came, but on the way to Church, she said she would like to go! We got there, she went first, and I was so excited for her! Unfortunately, she said she was glad to have gone, but she didn’t feel any different. I guess it affects us in different ways…but perhaps now she will hear the calling of Jesus and decide to try and walk the straight and narrow.
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