What if my priest errs in matters of faith and morals?

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Some time ago, the priest of my parish gave an homily in wich he said that, before Jesus, people (meaning the Israel of the Old Testament) believed that God was a vengeful and severe being who punished and sent to Hell everyone who behaved badly, but Jesus finally tought us that God is all-loving and never punishes anyone. I think his approach is at least very tricky. God revealed Himself both in the Old and New Testament, both are part of the same Bible (that is, the inspired word of God ) and talk about the same God. God is patient and merciful also in the Old Testament (just read Isaiah and Ezekiel ), and is severe and wrathful also in the New Testament (just read Revelation and Jesus’ words about Hell and the final judgment).
Also, overemphasizing God’s mercy is deleterious if done at the expense of God’s justice: God is both merciful and just. A God who doesn’t punish the unrepentant evildoer wouldn’t be a just God, just as a God who doesn’t forgive the sins of a repentant sinner wouldn’t be a merciful God.
What should I do?
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What should I do?
I’m not sure you should do anything. It disturbs me a bit when I see laypeople acting like they know more than our priests, or that they understand theology better, etc. Sure, there are lines that a priest shouldn’t cross. If he says that gay marriage is wonderful then do something. But in this case? Just let it go.
… God is all-loving and never punishes anyone. …
The two “punishments” for sin must not be seen as a kind of vengeance inflicted by God from without, but as following from the very nature of sin.

Catechism of the Catholic Church
1472 To understand this doctrine and practice of the Church, it is necessary to understand that sin has a double consequence. Grave sin deprives us of communion with God and therefore makes us incapable of eternal life, the privation of which is called the “eternal punishment” of sin. On the other hand every sin, even venial, entails an unhealthy attachment to creatures, which must be purified either here on earth, or after death in the state called Purgatory. This purification frees one from what is called the “temporal punishment” of sin. These two punishments must not be conceived of as a kind of vengeance inflicted by God from without, but as following from the very nature of sin. A conversion which proceeds from a fervent charity can attain the complete purification of the sinner in such a way that no punishment would remain.83
Very good question to pose! The man who the church regards as the patron of Parish Priests said:

“A priest goes to Heaven or a priest goes to Hell with a thousand people behind.”
Saint John Vianney
I’m not sure you should do anything. It disturbs me a bit when I see laypeople acting like they know more than our priests, or that they understand theology better, etc.
What makes you think that all of our priests were formed correctly? I think in many cases, there are quite a few folks in the pews who know when the priest says something incorrect in the homily or other statements.
You should go talk to him about it.
Exactly, this is your priest, the person giving you The Eucharist, hearing your confessions, giving you absolution… if you cant trust his service on faith and morals how can you trust him on understanding God’s will for your life?

You have to talk to him.
What makes you think that all of our priests were formed correctly? I think in many cases, there are quite a few folks in the pews who know when the priest says something incorrect in the homily or other statements.
I don’t see it that way. I have faith and confidence in our seminaries and in the average priest. Sure, there are some bad apples here and there, but for the most part 99% of them are faithful and true, and don’t need their parishioners acting like know it alls.
I agree totally! And whether or not they know more or less, often times a priest will say things that are incorrect and very easily identifiable by most lay people with basic catechesis.
I feel sorry for priests nowadays. They are under so much scrutiny with every word they utter. I hope, when they are in seminary, they take an actual course that helps them deal with this sort of thing.

I agree with the other poster. If you object to something the priest says, have a conversation with him about it. One on one. But be sure it is a good use of his time to have the conversation with you. Really evaluate that, before you approach him.
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OP, this is a difference of opinion you have with your priest about his simplified approach to a theological issue being presented to an entire congregation, many of whom are likely not well versed in Scripture or theology.

The priest didn’t say anything wrong. The concept of merciful, loving Jesus bringing the New Covenant is not a new idea. It’s an accepted Church teaching. And the priest certainly didn’t make an error in a matter of faith or morals.

If you want to discuss this with your priest, I’d say make an appointment after New Years to meet with him, but it should be just that, a discussion. Not some accusation of error when the priest didn’t make one.
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for the most part 99% of them are faithful and true, and don’t need their parishioners acting like know it alls.
Some parishioners are going to act that way even if their priest was the equivalent of St. John Vianney.
Priests are presumably trained in the seminary to deal with them. I admire their patience as it is a virtue I myself often lack.
Some parishioners are going to act that way even if their priest was the equivalent of St. John Vianney.
Priests are presumably trained in the seminary to deal with them. I admire their patience as it is a virtue I myself often lack.
You know that guy in the football stands who thinks he could call the plays better than the head coach? Same thing.
Sometimes priests say pastoral teachings - ways of viewing thing that would lead people in one way or another. In this case perhaps he was trying to emphasize God’s mercy through Jesus Christ because maybe he thought people are beginning to be judgemental. Not just his parish but people in general.
Who knows? A priest is required to be a good pastor, guide people, not necessarily an infallible book of theology.
To call his immoral (errs in morals) for emphasizing the difference between the Old Law and the New One is farstretched and…judgemental.
I’m not sure you should do anything. It disturbs me a bit when I see laypeople acting like they know more than our priests, or that they understand theology better, etc.
If it wasn’t for the faith of the laity, we would all be Arians and/or Nestorians right now. Just because someone is in the clergy doesn’t mean they are automatically right. That is clericalism.
The priest didn’t say anything wrong. The concept of merciful, loving Jesus bringing the New Covenant is not a new idea. It’s an accepted Church teaching.
That didn’t seem to be what he was saying. However, I’ll reflect on that - as a matter of fact, I haven’t done the first thing that came to my mind when I heard his words (concluding that he was an heretic/blasphemer and treating him like one ). Instead, I’ve tried to understand what was his point, and I’m still trying now (that’s why I started this topic ). I’ve not yet concluded anything about it, and as a matter of fact our relation hasn’t changed. What I wrote in the title is only hypotetical, maybe it wasn’t clear, I apologize.
God does not punish people with hell. He respects their decision to reject Him and allows them to spend eternity as they choose
OK then. I’d recommend you discuss it with him after Jan 1. Sounds like you are going in with a better attitude than your post title suggests.

And obviously if a priest ever DID make a clear error of faith and morals, for instance by contradicting something in the Catechism, one should certainly discuss with him, if for no other reason than to see if maybe there was a misunderstanding.
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