Oh, and I meant to add health insurance, too.Nope. Because it has zip to do with the cause or reason there’s ever been a demand for abortion.
Nope. Because none of your proposals has zip with the demand for abortion which is now and always a moral issue–of personal responsibility, not a public funding issue. No one get’s pregnant because they didn’t have public transportation, bad insurance or went to head-start or not.
As far as your denial of any social responsibility for abortion, that’s the biggest blind spot for conservatives, in my opinion. Abortion is not simply one woman making a decision, it is also our failure as a society. It demands both a personal and a social response.
Also, it seems that your problem isn’t with abortion, it’s with pregnancy.
I had thought it was understood that I was talking about the U.S. as a whole not Catholic schools specifically. Apparently not. Well then, here I’m making it explicit - I’m talking about public schools and programs, not private schools and institutions.Our Catholic schools are teaching these things and the world hasn’t come to an end, has it? I remember growing up in a time when out-of-wedlock pregnancy was something to be ashamed of…with good reason. Now it’s just accepted and no one acts like anything wrong or immoral has taken place.
You think the government should dictate people’s sex life? That’s hardly a supportable position. Catholic views on contraception and abstinence cannot be imposed upon non-Catholics. Abortion is not a “faith” issue because it people are actually dying. If the fetus was not human, then the pro-choice folks would have it right. It’s the humanity of the fetus that’s at issue, not an attempt to impose a national moral code.The contraception argument is invalid if abstainence till marriage is taught AND is praised as a way to end the destruction of the family system and such. Sheesh, just looking at the near destruction of the black american family in the inner city is evidence enough to throw that argument in the trash–where it belongs!