What is a disordered attachment in Catholicism?

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I did not say goth is a sin. Heck, I qualify as goth in much of my wardrobe, reading, films, I watch “Ask a Mortician” regularly and I am likely old enough to be your grandma 🙂 I think a lot about death, I pray every day for a good death, constantly reading to learn about death practices across time and around the world. Honestly we ought to all think about death and dying.

Look at our Faith, we venerate the bones of Saints and have people buried in our ancient Cathedrals.

If someone is despairing or becoming a nihilist, then the sin would be despair and rejection of God’s mercy, but you do not have to wear black nail polish to fall into despair.
Not ordering things according to their nature and role leads to innumerable evils. That why it is equally bad to dehumanize as it is to deify, or to humanize something that shouldn’t be humanized. If we value a hobby or object in the way we would value God or even another person, then we are doing injustice towards our fellow man. Or if we deify a person (like become obsessed with them) we do injustice to God as well as to that person. Or if we do the opposite and dehumanize, we also do injustice to that person.

It also tends to all blend together at the extreme. If we deify a person, such as a celebrity or somebody we’re attracted to, we take that person’s humanity away from them. Instead of regarding them as a person who shares in the suffering of the world, we put them on a pedestal and this can be very uncomfortable and painful for the person and they can/should be offended by it.

So for daily self-reflection, we can ask God if we are ordering things in our lives properly. Hopefully this post made sense.
I would pray the Come Holy Spirit prayer, Hail Marys, and the Miracle Prayer to Saint Anthony. As far as needed virtues, it depends on the disordered attachment. The chart below is a guide:

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@TheLittleLady Thank you, I understand better now. It’s the despairing part that is a sin. Well done. 🌹

I appreciate your point that it is a rejection of God’s mercy.

In confession, would these types of thoughts then fall into not committing murder, because of the type of negativity and rejection of God’s mercy?

I was thinking of confessions and the 10 commandments in the back of my mind when I wrote out that post.

@Sursumcorda1 thank you so much for the chart. It’s very useful to me.

God bless you.
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@TK421 As a former musician in HS, all we were allowed to wear to performances was black clothing and shoes. Same for competitions, and even the conductors wore all black. Also, I wore all black to the theatre such as to the Opera or to hear an Orchestral performance.

Its a color of respect and reverence for me, and not of placing anyone at all on a pedestal, but actually staying in a place of humility and obedience to my place when I wear it.

Similarly, it’s considered as normal to offer up the best place and chair at the table to the person in a position of authority and honor, out of respect and humility.

Any other assumptions may be a case of even searching for anything at all to use as a justification for taking offense when none should be taken.

Now, the death obsession part, yes, that became the disordered part later on in life.

I understand your post. Thank you.
In confession, would these types of thoughts then fall into not committing murder, because of the type of negativity and rejection of God’s mercy?

I was thinking of confessions and the 10 commandments in the back of my mind when I wrote out that post.
For me, I would just confess “for a week/3months/a year (whatever time period) I have despaired.”
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