Blame does not necessarily include
finding someone culpable nor condemning them. Culpability can be moral or legal and there are degrees of it. Blame does mean “to place responsibility for (an error, fault, etc.) on someone or something”. So it it appropriate to use the word offense with to blame:
Offense can be (Collins Dictionary)
1 an offending (; specif.,)
1a the act of breaking a law; sin or crime; transgression
1b the act of creating resentment, hurt feelings, displeasure, etc.
An offense is “something that is wrong or improper” and blame can be taken two ways 1) to hold responsible 2) to place responsibility for, where responsible is “being the cause or explanation”.
I think you meant to post “Initially, emotional responses are [in]voluntary. Sustained emotional responses are not”. However, some strong emotional responses resist our active fight to overcome them, and so are sustained. (E.g., genocide, including our own family, may take years to deal with.) So to sustain can be wrong (to keep in existence; keep up; maintain or prolong) or not wrong (to bear up against; endure; withstand).
Not the legal definition of to hold (as the Jews used) but the common one (Collins American #11):
to have an opinion or belief about; regard; consider.
Only with the occurrence of an offense does forgiveness become possible. Even once forgiven, it is held that an offense occurred and also that it is forgiven. And forgiven means no punishment. (For God, however, the forgiveness of serious sins is of the eternal punishment, not necessarily of the temporal.) The verb to blame has different meanings of which one is acceptable (to place responsibility for) and another is not (to condemn - inflict a penalty upon).
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (since you asked):
Q. 714. What lessons do the other Beatitudes convey?
A. The other Beatitudes convey these lessons: The meek suppress all feelings of anger and humbly submit to whatever befalls them by the Will of God; and they never desire to do evil for evil. The justice after which we should seek is every Christian virtue included under that name, and we are told that if we earnestly desire and seek it we shall obtain it. The persecuted for justice’ sake are they who will not abandon their faith or virtue for any cause.
Q. 302. What is anger?
A. Anger is an excessive emotion of the mind excited against any person or thing, or it is an excessive desire for revenge.
Q. 1277. What is forbidden by the fifth Commandment?
A. The fifth Commandment forbids all willful murder, fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, and bad example.
Q. 1280. Why are fighting, anger, hatred and revenge forbidden by the fifth commandment?
A. Fighting, anger, hatred and revenge are forbidden by the fifth commandment because they are sinful in themselves and may lead to murder. The commandments forbid not only whatever violates them, but also whatever may lead to their violation.
Q. 538. Why must the Pope sometimes warn us on political and other matters?
A. The Pope must sometimes warn us on political and other matters, because whatever nations or men do is either good or bad, just or unjust, and wherever the Pope discovers falsehood, wickedness or injustice he must speak against it and defend the truths of faith and morals. He must protect also the temporal rights and property of the Church committed to his care.
Baltimore Catechism No 3., 1933 eighth edition;
- What is forbidden by the fifth Commandment?
The fifth Commandment forbids all wilful murder, fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, and bad example.
The health of our own body demands cleanliness, temperance, regularity in meals and rest, industry, and the use of remedies for sickness. Furthermore we must protect our lives against dangers (dangerous occupations, amusements, sports, excessive eating, etc.). Every individual has the right to protect himself. This self -protection allows even the taking of life, if necessary.
The same principle of self-defense also applies to the state.
Ill-will, anger, etc., are forbidden, because they induce us to harm others. (Sermon on Mount, Math. 5, 22.)
To give scandal means to lead others into sin by instruction, by example, or by encouragement. (Math. 18, 7.)