What is Evangelization?

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I am slightly confused by this forum…

Isn’t Evangelical a protestant denomination?

Whats is “Evangelization” ?
Evangelization simply means spreading the good news of the Gospel of Christ.

The “Evangelical” faith tradition is comprised of loosely associated groups of “bible alone” Christians - some of which do not baptize. The self-titled evangelical movement began in the 1890s in America.
Having been an evangelical for about twenty-five years, I’ve never heard of evangelicals who don’t baptize or who are “Bible alone” (perhaps the posters’ confusion comes from the phrase “sola scripture”. which literally means “Bible alone”, but in practice means that the Bible is our highest authority, not our “only” authority).

Anyhoo, back to the OP.

Biblically speaking, evangelism is the Christian practice of presenting the Gospel to the lost, explaining to them that man is sinful and faces God’s wrath on Judgement Day, but that through repentance and faith, man can be born again, forgiven, reconciled to God, and made a child of His.
Gospel in spanish is EVANGELIO . so it is the means of bringing the Gospel to other people.

we can evangelize in many different forms… St. Francis of Assisi said** “PREACH THE GOSPEL. AND IF NECESSARY, USE WORDS”**
I am slightly confused by this forum…

Isn’t Evangelical a protestant denomination?

Whats is “Evangelization” ?
Others here have defined the term “evangelisation” better than I could.

What makes you think it is “protestant” is that the Protestants do it better and more consistently than Catholics at the current time. It’s very much a focus of fundamentalist and more recent denominations in particular. The older “mainstream” Protestant churches such as the Anglicans, Presbyterians etc. don’t see to be particularly good at it either.

When a Moslem tries to win converts to his faith, he’s evangelising as well, except that he’s not doing it for the Gospel.
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