What is God trying to teach us by not letting our home sell?

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I have posted a couple of times about our selling our home, we are selling because we are disabled and our area is becoming crime infested and we feel it is time to go.We have had to deal with bad renters and had to go to court. We don’t need this in our lives.

Our town is really depressed and has had major job losses. We have a flooded housing market. We prayed so long for Gods guidance and really think this is the right move.

Well now it is over 1.5 years and finally had someone wanting our home and she backed out just as our realtor was coming over with the papers.

What lesson am I supposed to be learning here. I am not happy here and God knows that. I am miserable. I am struggling with God knowing I am unhappy and him letting me stay that way.

I just want to be happy again and the key to that in my opinion is too move. I love God but I am really questioning his love for me right now. I don’t mean to be selfish I just am tired of the upkeep of having showings and the let downs.

Please pray for us!
Why do you assume God is micro-managing the sale of your home and that He is directly responsible for your failure to sell? That seems a stretch. Get the advice of a good realtor, to everything you can to improve the home, especially curb appeal, be realistic about your selling price, in short, get good professional advice on selling your home and follow it, try not to blame the vagaries of everyday life on God having it in for you.
Because god is in control of my life, he is the center of my whole existence. I know he is trying to teach me some lesson. I pray everynight if it be his will please sell this home and if not give me peace.

I have done everything to our home known to man to sell and changed realtors twice.

I don’t blame God I am just wondering what I am to learn from this experience and how to use it for his benefit.

I think your reply could have been a bit kinder too.
God certainly tries to teach us through every circumstance of our lives, but that does not mean He is the direct cause and manipulator of those circumstances. My advice stands. I have bought and sold several homes in depressed inner city neighborhoods, as well as in better markets, and my experience the number one reason a home does not sell is unrealistic expetations on the part of the seller. I also think you are very wise to point out, because we often forget it, that God does indeed teach us through these situations, and that we are well advised to listen for His teaching throughout these situations. However, I don’t think you will get a good answer here, but through your own personal prayer and meditation on these circumstances. I feel sure you will, because your attitude seems be be prayerful and trusting.
Thank you for that kinder reply. I just wish I could see what I am too learn. Maybe It is patience but I feel I am.

God is first in my life and that is where he should be. I trust him with all my heart I just don’t understand him knowing how unhappy I am and him not removing this burden from our lives.

Our area is slowly going rental but we also have good homeowners too. Our home is precious and well maintained . I guess the right people just have not seen it.

I guess more prayers on our part are needed.

There are many things that God would have us learn from our trials. However, I think that also we need to avail ourselves to all the human help in addition to prayer.

In times that the housing market is flooded, then the person selling needs to get creative. We rented one of the houses we bought when we were young. We rented with the option to buy. Half of all our rent was then applied to our down payment. The seller then had the house occupied, and we had incentive to buy it since we rented for two years before buying. It was a time when interest rates were so high- we bought that house at 14% interest rates.

My point is, get creative with what you can offer a young couple that would love to own a home but can’t really save for a down payment. Find a very good realtor, for that can improve things too. God bless you in selling. My last house was over 100 years old and it was a frame home. We took about a year to sell, and I remember the hardest part was the waiting and keeping it clean.

By all means, keep praying. St. Joseph is supposed to be a big help also. I did bury the statue, but am embarrased to admit it. I did dig up the statue and kept it.
Oh I finally buried him too about 3 weeks ago and I had 4 showings in the following week 2 in one day and the person that had made an offer. I pray to him also.I had never had that much activity before.

I just don’t want to rent to own. We can’t fix our home up in case they change their mind. I have offered some closing cost so I am trying to help anyone who may want our home.
Not to be flippant, but maybe God is just saying you need to reduce the price.
Dear friend

You posted in one of your posts that you trust God and then you stated that you are beginning to doubt His love for you.

We need to suffer and taste the bitter of life as much as we may enjoy the sweet of life, both sides of this coin hold benefit for our soul and it’s salvation.

It is easy to maintain (on our behalf) a relationship with God when all is going well, in our own opinion, as far as we know it may not be going well in God’s wisdom and He may well allow us to suffer in some shape or form for the benefit of appreciating our relationship with God and with others and for thr eternal benefit of our souls.

You may not see the reason why God has you in the place He has you, but God knows perfectly well why you are where you are.

God’s Providence permeates every single part of our lives. Those areas that we think are kept from God are not kept from God, He knows them in entirity. Nothing happens by accident, nothing is pure chance, everything happens for a reason.

Ask yourself a series of questions, such as, am I looking for material gain? Is God seeking that I let the house go for less and begin detachment from material possessions? Is it necessary that I downsize? Am I lacking a particular grace? If so, what grace is it? How have I prayed? Did I pray for what I desired? Did I pray for God’s Will? Am I listening to the wants and needs of others, rather than listening to God? Am I taking onboard advice from others that is motivated by their wants and desires? Am I trying to fulfill what is expected of me by others rather than what is expected of me by God? Am I proud? Am I seeking worldly things that upset my spirit, rather than seeking less in the world and even taking a loss financially? What are my priorities truly? etc etc etc etc

A relationship with God requires risk, it is a leap of faith. To have faith we don’t ever look at the situation we are in and judge God by it, we look to God and judge the situation by our love of God.

Remember, everything is Blessing. It’s not easy, but if we truly trusted in God and in His Providence we wouldn’t waste a minute in worry, ever! Everything works to the good.

I will keep you in my prayers

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Do what is possible and let God do the impossible. Maybe the people that are to buy your house are being taught something. 😃 Anyway, looks like you are exercising patience. God is good, and He will pull you out of the muck and mire. But I do agree, my dear, that God helps those who help themselves, so do everything you can to make your house sale possible. 👍
Thanks to all of you, I am not a materialistic person, never have been one. I take pride in my home as God allowed us to have one through hard work and self denial. I thank him everyday for allowing us to live on our own and I thank him for all he has given us.

I always ask god to do his will and give us peace. I just found out our city is trying to start a neighborhood association and the meeting is soon. I hope it wont be filled with broken promises. I am trying to stay positive though. I am also keeping our place in good shape for anyone who may want to see it.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Thanks to all of you, I am not a materialistic person, never have been one. I take pride in my home as God allowed us to have one through hard work and self denial. I thank him everyday for allowing us to live on our own and I thank him for all he has given us.

I always ask god to do his will and give us peace. I just found out our city is trying to start a neighborhood association and the meeting is soon. I hope it wont be filled with broken promises. I am trying to stay positive though. I am also keeping our place in good shape for anyone who may want to see it.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Dear friend

Your post is beautiful to read.

I will keep you in my prayers that you retain trust in God and the Eucharistic joy and Peace of Christ Jesus in your heart.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

Dear Perplexed,

It seems as though you are grappling with the economic laws of supply and demand - too much supply, very little demand. So when life gives us lemons, we make lemonade! http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

When there is little demand, prices fall radically, but there are always those who look for bargains and may be prompted to buy if your price is more than attractive. Sad, but true. Are you able to trust God’s providence in the face of this potential loss, to bring you to a new home that may be equally a bargain, financially?

Have you discerned the root motivation of your decision to sell? I noted that you are disabled and that your neighborhood is full of crime - a real source of fear, to be sure. You did not mention, but I sensed that God has protected you from harm during the last 1-1/2 years while waiting for a buyer. Is fear of physical harm or financial loss your motivation to move to a more secure neighborhood? Keep in mind that no neighborhood in this day and age is free from crime. You may jump from the frying pan into the fire by moving. Could a good security system be the answer?

Or do you need/desire a bigger, more comfortable home? Could remodeling be the solution?

Or might you be somewhat discontent in the circumstances in which God has placed you, with a desire to be free of it all? Do you anticipate a greater depreciation of your home if you stay there, or more crime infestation? Do you have good neighbors in spite of it who will work together to form a crime watch?

These thoughts I share here are for your personal reflection, and you don’t need to answer them publicly. May God enlighten you and lead you on a clear path to His will for you.

What lesson am I supposed to be learning here. I am not happy here and God knows that. I am miserable. I am struggling with God knowing I am unhappy and him letting me stay that way.
Maybe He’s trying to teach you Patience and Acceptance according to His will. You said that you prayed, then listen to Him…sometimes He says no.
I understand all of what yall are saying and I agree with most of it. God seems to want us here. I am outspoken and to be honest have made people act right here due to my speaking to city officials and not tolerating law breakers. We have people in our area asking us not to move and how to solve this or that in our area but when it comes down to it they won’t back us up and we then look like the bad guys.

I am tired physically and mentally dealing with people here who could help and want.we struggled with selling and moving back to the apartments that we lived in before we bought our home in 86. They are in a much better area and very well maintained.

We need the most for our home to help pay our rent there. I am not being greedy here at all I know it seems so but really we are not greedy people.

I am just tired and worn out.
Thank you for your prayers also.
When there is little demand, prices fall radically, but there are always those who look for bargains and may be prompted to buy if your price is more than attractive. Sad, but true. Are you able to trust God’s providence in the face of this potential loss, to bring you to a new home that may be equally a bargain, financially?

Very powerful statement.
Just like our decisions are best seen in hind sight so is God’s will at times. When all the dusts settles is when we can really see.

Reread your posts and see that you are starting to see His will for you in them.

Talking/writing them out seems to be working for you.

I am just tired and worn out.
Thank you for your prayers also.
I get that way at times too…that’s when I picture Jesus falling for the 2nd time on the way to Calgary.

Define ‘tired and worn out’ for you and I’m certain it comes nowhere near what it meant to Him and many other martyrs of the faith.

You may very well be tired of fighting for a better neighborhood, but perhaps God wants you just where you are to keep up the fight. You may be the only light of hope left for the community.

Surely you don’t feel up to the assignment God has for you, if this is what He wants, but neither did Moses or Abraham or several of the other prophets.

Remember the words of Mary, Our Mother - Let it be done according to your Word.

If indeed, He needs you where you are then you need to shift the focus of your prayers to ask for strength, endurance, courage to do His will as you are weary already. If He wants you to stay put He will provide you with whatever you need to do His work there in that community, but you have to be open to that, allow Him in for that purpose.

Right now it seems you want Him to do **your **will - to get you out of the neighborhood by having your house sell at a price which will enable you to move back to the apartment in the ‘nicer’ neighborhood where you will have an easier life. There are a lot of conditions on your prayer when posed that way, don’t you think?
I always say to god in my Prayers please help us sell this house if it be your will or give us peace here. I also ask him to show us what he wants us to do if we are to remain here.

unless you have been in our situation you don’t know what it is to live in a decaying area. I guess all my other neighbors that moved were wrong also. We just kept fighting while they gave up and sold or rented to not so nice folks. I won’t do that to the few good neighbors that will remain after we move.

I just wish I had peace in my life. Whats wrong with wanting to move to a "nicer area " with less problems? Right now God wants us here and here we shall remain untill he sees fit to allow us to move. I have resigned myself to that.We fought this for 5 years and finally put our home on the market over 1.5 years now so you see we have tried and tried.

God knows my heart!
I get that way at times too…that’s when I picture Jesus falling for the 2nd time on the way to Calgary.
Wow! Jesus certainly got around, didn’t He? :whacky:
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