What is God trying to teach us by not letting our home sell?

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Eileen T:
Wow! Jesus certainly got around, didn’t He? :whacky:
I don’t know why my fingers typed that…it had been one of evenings…do you think God was speaking to me??? I have no clue why that would have popped into my head let alone in association with Jesus’ path to Golgatha… :confused: :whacky:
I always say to god in my Prayers please help us sell this house if it be your will or give us peace here. I also ask him to show us what he wants us to do if we are to remain here.

unless you have been in our situation you don’t know what it is to live in a decaying area. I guess all my other neighbors that moved were wrong also. We just kept fighting while they gave up and sold or rented to not so nice folks. I won’t do that to the few good neighbors that will remain after we move.

I just wish I had peace in my life. Whats wrong with wanting to move to a "nicer area " with less problems? Right now God wants us here and here we shall remain untill he sees fit to allow us to move. I have resigned myself to that.We fought this for 5 years and finally put our home on the market over 1.5 years now so you see we have tried and tried.

God knows my heart!
You say you ask God to have your house sell or give you peace.

If it is His will that you remain, can you see where your will to leave is keeping you from feeling any peace He may be sending your way? Peace comes from accepting His will especially when you finally give in to it knowing it wasn’t the way you expected it to turn out.

Hope is a wonderful gift, but sometimes I find hoping for my turnout of events makes me more miserable as God is trying to show me His plans for me. I really don’t like the feeling of axiety and restlessness so when it gets to me I go to Eucharistic adoration and just talk to Jesus.

It’s a humbling experience for me because I don’t want to give up my goals and aspirations, they’re good ones, they’d help me and a lot of other people so why isn’t this happening? I share my frustrations with Him. And then I just sit there quietly allowing Him to speak back. In the end, He’s always right, and usually He’s telling me to stop struggling over this…that I’m in good hands, I can trust Him, it’ll be ok and the sooner I let Him lead the sooner I will be at peace.

Most times, it’s after I finally give up my wishes over to His wishes that events change in my life - not the way I had wanted them to but even a better way that I couldn’t have foreseen. The change I had been seeking does take place - but it isn’t the change I was anticipating and working toward and that’s why it was taking so long.

I recognize that you’re prayers are sincere and honest, and they are good prayers, really. But it seems you aren’t really trusting Him and that’s why you are experiencing disappointment and you’re feeling weary and worn out. You’re justifiably afraid He really does want you to stay put and you have no idea how you could possible do that and maintain your sanity, but He wouldn’t ask you to do it if He wasn’t going to be there to help you through it. You have to trust in that. You also have to remain open to the possibility that there is another solution to your problem He is trying to present to you but you aren’t seeing it because you’re so focused on your solution of moving out.

I am suggesting you let go of your plans for 20 minutes, release your mind and heart to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to lift the veil from your eyes and heart so that you can truly see what God has planned for you with regard to this matter.
You say you ask God to have your house sell or give you peace.

If it is His will that you remain, can you see where your will to leave is keeping you from feeling any peace He may be sending your way? Peace comes from accepting His will especially when you finally give in to it knowing it wasn’t the way you expected it to turn out.

Hope is a wonderful gift, but sometimes I find hoping for my turnout of events makes me more miserable as God is trying to show me His plans for me. I really don’t like the feeling of axiety and restlessness so when it gets to me I go to Eucharistic adoration and just talk to Jesus.

It’s a humbling experience for me because I don’t want to give up my goals and aspirations, they’re good ones, they’d help me and a lot of other people so why isn’t this happening? I share my frustrations with Him. And then I just sit there quietly allowing Him to speak back. In the end, He’s always right, and usually He’s telling me to stop struggling over this…that I’m in good hands, I can trust Him, it’ll be ok and the sooner I let Him lead the sooner I will be at peace.

Most times, it’s after I finally give up my wishes over to His wishes that events change in my life - not the way I had wanted them to but even a better way that I couldn’t have foreseen. The change I had been seeking does take place - but it isn’t the change I was anticipating and working toward and that’s why it was taking so long.

I recognize that you’re prayers are sincere and honest, and they are good prayers, really. But it seems you aren’t really trusting Him and that’s why you are experiencing disappointment and you’re feeling weary and worn out. You’re justifiably afraid He really does want you to stay put and you have no idea how you could possible do that and maintain your sanity, but He wouldn’t ask you to do it if He wasn’t going to be there to help you through it. You have to trust in that. You also have to remain open to the possibility that there is another solution to your problem He is trying to present to you but you aren’t seeing it because you’re so focused on your solution of moving out.

I am suggesting you let go of your plans for 20 minutes, release your mind and heart to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to lift the veil from your eyes and heart so that you can truly see what God has planned for you with regard to this matter.
Wow you hit the nail on the head, just this morning we woke up to a dog running wild and trash in a yard from the dog. It makes our area dirty. It was the last straw, we went to the codes dept and asked our public director to come over and he did. we told both of them of our situation and both seemed concerned.They are both new in their positions and I know the public works director is a man of his word. We have been through this for over 6 years talkiing to public officials to no avail so I can only ask God to help us again this time.

Please keep us in your prayers as we ask for strengh to carry on.

Wow you hit the nail on the head, just this morning we woke up to a dog running wild and trash in a yard from the dog. It makes our area dirty. It was the last straw, we went to the codes dept and asked our public director to come over and he did. we told both of them of our situation and both seemed concerned.They are both new in their positions and I know the public works director is a man of his word. We have been through this for over 6 years talkiing to public officials to no avail so I can only ask God to help us again this time.

Please keep us in your prayers as we ask for strengh to carry on.

Wow, He sent two newbies your way, huh? And the kind who actually care! That is rather remarkable.

You are most certainly in my prayers.

I think you are going to have to lower the price on your house. Usually when a house doesn’t sell it indicates that the price is too high. In real estate, location is everything and unfortunately yours doesn’t sound extremely desirable.

God Bless…
unless you have been in our situation you don’t know what it is to live in a decaying area. I guess all my other neighbors that moved were wrong also. We just kept fighting while they gave up and sold or rented to not so nice folks. I won’t do that to the few good neighbors that will remain after we move.
I have been in your situation. I understand where you’re coming from.

My husband and I prayed that a nice family would buy our home. In prayer we saw that we were going to have to think creatively to sell our home.

We gave up on the idea that it was “our home.” It became “the house.” Once it became “the house”, we were able to see it though different eyes. We saw that the realtors we’d dealt with were encouraging us to ask a higher price than the condition of the neighborhood could justify. Yes, “the house” was in great condition, but the neighborhood wasn’t, and that’s what counted the most. “Pride of ownership” didn’t count. That was a hard truth to accept.

We lowered the price from what we originally thought “the house” could sell for, and then we dropped the realtor and sold the house ourselves. We paid much of the buyer’s closing costs. We hired an attorney who specialized in FSBO transactions, and he and the title company walked us through the process.

You are good to think of your remaining neighbors, but you can’t control the neighborhood. People move in, they move out, or they die. This happened up and down both sides of our street over the course of ten years. If you want to move then you have to let go and give it to God.

You are getting into the holiday season and Winter. You may have to wait until Spring or Summer to sell.
Our home almost sold about 3 weeks ago, in fact my realtor was coming over with the papers and the lady changed her mind. I was crushed. The home next to me has been for sale almost as long and it now has a contract on it. I am anxious to see how much they lowered their price which will make my homes value go down more.

I am really angry at God right now. I love him but I am just so angry and I know its wrong but if one more person tells me its his will I am going to just sit and cry.

Please pray our home sells, we need prayers so badly right now. I do love God and I know he loves us too but I am at my wits end!

I am dropping my price Monday.

I just want to be happy again and the key to that in my opinion is too move.
Be happy in whatever situation God put you.

I don’t think we can know for sure what God wants to teach us. We can guess, but we can’t know. Maybe you’re supposed to work on accepting even if you can’t know. —KCT
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