“Darwin, it has become commonplace to acknowledge, never really addressed the “origin of species” in his book of that title.” –Niles Eldredge, Ph.D. (geologist, paleontologist, and atheist), “Progress in Evolution?” -New Scientist, vol. 110 (June 5, 1986), pg. 55. -On: Darwin’s Origin of Species by Natural Selection (1859) (Ch. 6.)
“Much of what Darwin taught has been rejected and surpassed by modern evolutionists, but the doctrine of natural selection has been maintained.” –Geisler, When Skeptics Ask, pg. 212. {Darwin’s Gradualism Vs. Punctuated Equilibrium.}
“Creationists, of course, have always argued that, while natural selection is a real process that serves to eliminate unfit organisms, it could never create the complex, wonderfully adapted organisms found in the living world.” –H.M. Morris, The Modern Creation Trilogy, vol. 2, Science & Creation (1996), Master Books, pg. 34.
“Their theory (Niles Eldredge & Stephen Jay Gould’s Punctuated Equilibrium)…appears to be based solely on the absence of transitional fossils. Darwin, after all, understood suddenness to be evidence of Creation. If this is true, then it supports what Creationists said all along – the sudden appearance of fully formed animals is evidence of Creation.” –Geisler, pg. 231.
What will your answer be when someone asks you,
“In the Light of Science and the Bible, How did things begin?
Naturally? (No ID)
Or, supernaturally?” (ID)
“Much of what Darwin taught has been rejected and surpassed by modern evolutionists, but the doctrine of natural selection has been maintained.” –Geisler, When Skeptics Ask, pg. 212. {Darwin’s Gradualism Vs. Punctuated Equilibrium.}
“Creationists, of course, have always argued that, while natural selection is a real process that serves to eliminate unfit organisms, it could never create the complex, wonderfully adapted organisms found in the living world.” –H.M. Morris, The Modern Creation Trilogy, vol. 2, Science & Creation (1996), Master Books, pg. 34.
“Their theory (Niles Eldredge & Stephen Jay Gould’s Punctuated Equilibrium)…appears to be based solely on the absence of transitional fossils. Darwin, after all, understood suddenness to be evidence of Creation. If this is true, then it supports what Creationists said all along – the sudden appearance of fully formed animals is evidence of Creation.” –Geisler, pg. 231.
What will your answer be when someone asks you,
“In the Light of Science and the Bible, How did things begin?
Naturally? (No ID)
Or, supernaturally?” (ID)