If the only thing I was interested in was porn, then why would I not just buy a Penthouse or even something stronger? I do admit, I enjoy looking at some of the pictures, but if I really wanted porn I would just buy porn.
Ah, to satisfy your lust and placate your conscience at the same time, maybe?
Maxxim is a horrible magazine. Satan is not above putting something of value in something in order to get you to take his poison.
As for how to handle it. I would want my wife to challenge my identity - hold me to a high standard.
“You are my husband, the head of this house - how can you wreak such damage on me and our marriage?” Challenge his decisionmaking - don’t challenge his authority to make the decision. Never, ever cover for him. Don’t hide the magazines from your mom or his.
Next, accentuating the positive will eliminate the negative. There’s a photographer who takes pictures of babies, and women, and women with babies. I forget her name, but my wife brought home a big album and I found it intriguing. Yes, some of the women were nude, but never were the poses suggestive. Often the nudes were caressing, maybe nursing a baby. It drew the connection between a woman’s curves and her fertility. Set that album atop his Maxxim pile. You might even get pictures from medical albums showing pregnent nudes, or deliveries, lots of babies anyway. Slip them in the pages of his magazine.
Also, get several books by Christopher West. Read 'em. Lay them around the house. If he won’t read 'em, get his friends to read 'em.
Practice NFP. This will work. It will create a huge tension between the way he has learned to view sex and the way God views sex. The tension will be too great and something will snap - in the long run, trust God that everything will be for the better.
Invite a good priest over for dinner regularly (monthly, weekly)- dinners that your husband will also be present at. Let the priest develop a relationship with your husband. Don’t need to say anything - just let the Holy Spirit work.
Start making friendships with couples who you estimate to be very holy. Hanging with good people will bring you up. Beware of commiserating with couples - if you catch yourself griping about your husband and the other wife roles her eyes as if she goes through the same thing - BEWARE. What you want is a friend who nods their head and says “Yep, we’ve been there too”. A couple who has gotten PAST the problems you’re facing.
Become holy. And pray unceasingly for your husband. I think the mistake of many people is to please their spouse in order to get their spouse to return love. I suspect that the right avenue is to love your spouse in order for your spouse to learn to love God. Spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, fervently pleading God what you need to do next.