But they do follow face book, youtube, newspapers, popular magazines, etc., all of whom pour out this junk - and they are influenced.Here’s some counterarguments.
- If the 5 billion theists in the world don’t have any scientific knowledge then they surely can’t put indue value on what they don’t know, so scientism isn’t an issue for them.
Judging from the empty churches around the world, one wonders if they really know God.
- Since they believe in God, they know for sure there is at least one other form of knowledge - the one by which they came to know God.
O.K., but that isn’t a part of this debate. That’s common sense.
- For many of them, I want them to put undue value on what little science they know. I want them to put emphasis on keeping sewerage well away from drinking water, on washing their hands before cooking or eating, on going to a scientifically trained doctor rather than a juju man, because that helps them to live a longer happier life.
He doesn’t want to loosen the ethics of science, he wants to put it on a solid footing. I don’t know anything about Behe. But Aristotlians and Thomists merely want science to see the value of philosophy, including seeing science as revealing the workings of God in nature. This alone should warn them when they are doing things man shouldn’t do or making erroneous judgments about what science tells us about man, nature, and God. I am not aware that any of the philosophers of the A/T school are opposed to string theory. Rather they are opposed to what some claim it means.
- Pearce is not alone in wanting to loosen the ethics of science. Behe wanted it to let in his ID, some string theorists and multi-verse fans want it to let in their notions, and so on. But that destroys the very thing which makes science so valuable, as well as letting astrology and so on call itself a science.
I am not sure what he means by his last paragraph. I don’t think he meant that poetry, etc. are branches of science.
- Pearce ends up wanting to call poetry and painting science, and to put theology and physics on the same basis. He wants everything to be called science. His logic seems to be that if people look up to science, let’s put a spurious scientific label on religion so they look up to that as if it was science. What’s that if not scientism?
Religion based on Revelation is not dead, but those dedicated to some form of scientism have the microphone, they have the ear of the movers and shakers. And that is the problem. As Benedict 16 said, " We may be a smaller Church. " And he wasn’t speaking just of Catholicism. And that is unsatisfactory - if it is the heart of the world we are after.Most Christians I know don’t think modernity is a cancer. I can understand the hellfire view that God has lost the battle and we’re all doomed, but I think if Christians can’t send a message of hope to the world, that God is still in charge, that love always wins out in the end, then who can? There’s that phrase physician heal thyself. If religion is sick, and I’m not convinced it is, then it won’t get better by casting blame around.