What is the Church’s position on the Qabbalah?

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I’ve heard somewhere that there is an old Jewish tradition that some still study known as “Qabbalah”, and was wondering if the Church has any position or teaching regarding any of it.

Does Christianity take from it at all? Any explanation as to what it is exactly? The only vague description that I’ve seen is “an oral tradition in Judaism seeking to understand the emanations and manifestations of God in nature”. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It’s Jewish mysticism. We have our own mystic tradition rooted in Catholic doctrine. It’s unnecessary to study at best.
Most Catholics aren’t going to have the deep knowledge of Judaism you’d need to seriously handle Kabbalah. Catholics don’t need that and have plenty of mystic traditions of their own. I’m not aware of any church pronouncement against it, but if you aren’t a learned, practicing Jewish person you’re out of your element dealing with it.
Obviously it’s not “divination” if the Pope is quoting from it.
Unless of course you work for One Peter Five or one of the other Pope-bashing outlets.

It’s actually a theosophical work that has been criticized as apparently being contrary to Revelation (I find this dubious given that the actual meaning of Revelation is often debated) and on the other hand has been praised by some as a way to lead Jewish people to Christianity.

Catholic Encyclopedia article here:
Madonna practicing the Kabbalah is ridiculous. As you said, she probably read some new age book purporting to be Kabbalah.

This being a serious religious forum, I presumed OP was referring to the actual serious Kabbalah, not whatever nonsense Madonna and her ilk claim to be doing.
Right, I agree, because according to her version there’s allegedly a way to summon Angels and “ceremonial magick” involved?

Absolutely avoid that.
The reference you’re talking about has been debated by scholars as to whether they’re discussing Jesus or somebody else named Yeshu. Furthermore, it involves someone raising up “Yeshu” by necromancy, so in any event they did not get the real Jesus. Whenever you do that you get a demon. Probably conjured up the devil instead.
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The Kabbalah was one of the subjects discussed at some length on another thread, about a year ago:
Answers from an Orthodox Jew Non-Catholic Religions
Not having visited the site since before Passover, I see many questions and comments directed toward me in the now-closed thread Ask me anything (almost) about Judaism Therefore, I am just making known that I plan to address these questions in brief in this space, either later tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for your interest.
No problem. It’s easier when things aren’t veiled in a passive-aggressive tone.
The relationship has never and will never cease either historically or theologically.
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The focus of the Talmud is not Christianity, but Judaism: its laws, practices, practical adaptations to modern life, debates, commentaries upon commentaries, and so on. There have been forgeries and mistranslations galore.

Insofar as Kabbalah is concerned, it too has a long tradition and also one of distortion by occultists and practitioners of the art of black magic. The magic in Kabbalah is always Gd-based, never occultist or demonic. It is a book of mystical writing and commentary used as a supplement to understanding Torah and Talmud, but not required by Orthodox Judaism and not regarded as a holy book in the same class as the Written and Oral Law.
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Insofar as Kabbalah is concerned, it too has a long tradition and also one of distortion by occultists and practitioners of the art of black magic. The magic in Kabbalah is always Gd-based, never occultist or demonic. It is a book of mystical writing and commentary used as a supplement to understanding Torah and Talmud, but not required by Orthodox Judaism and not regarded as a holy book in the same class as the Written and Oral Law.
Thank you for bringing the discussion back to Kabbalah. Because the Talmud is not the subject here.
I too was told by some Jewish people online that the Kabbalah (at least according to them) is a sect of Judaism. They are Israeli. They used the example that the Kabbalists in Israel always collect money for the Third Temple yet the construction hasn’t even started.
This is just internet gossip, I know. To conclude, they said Kabbalah is like.Scientology to Christianity - if it works for you great, but it is not.a corner stone.
This being said, I consider that the dark works of Madonna mentioned in this thread have started way before she even began studying Kabbalah. This woman has used all her beauty and talent to promote immoral things that, under her talents, appear beautifully clothed and acceptable. Lately she just produces what looks like the conspiracy theory lovers are expecting (they believe she is a black priestess). Whatever. Her music is no longer inspired which is a good thing methinks.
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