I’ll narrow down my challenge to those who wish to convince Christians of the “fact” of evolution. Here’s where I see the contradiction between Christianity and Evolution:
We must believe in Adam and Eve as real persons, the parents of all mankind, in whom God created a soul. Now, evolution would have us believe that man descended from other life forms. (perhaps from the lineage of an ape at some point in history). The problem with this idea is this: If man descended from an ape like creature, is there any scientific evidence to indicate that at some point in time there existed exactly two creatures, one male and one female who were distinct from other creatures, who would have eventually became human beings?
If there is any evidence in the fossil record of man decending from some other creature wouldn’t the very existence of that fossil record suggest that there were many more of the same type of creature than just two? For evolutionists often fall back on the idea that the fossil record is very scarce (usually when explaining the lack of evidence) because so very little of any species actually became fossilized. It seems to me that if so very little actually became fossilized, then how could we have any fossil record of the first humans, if it started with two beings, as is required by Christian faith? The probability of any fossil record indicating the existence of two creatures distinct from all other species, would be astronomical.
Conversly, if there* is* any fossil record indicating the decent of the human species, by the mere fact that such a record exists, it would indicate there would have to have been a great many creatures in that species, since fossilization is so rare. This begs the question, what happened to the rest of the species, if Christianity teaches all mankind decnded from two people (Adam and Eve)? Even if theories could be devised to explain this problem, the record
should indicate that all mankind decended from an initial pair. Does it? What I’ve read on evolutionist sites, incuding
talkorigins.com, seems to say that idea is not supported by the “evidence”.
So I still arrive at the place I started. Evolution and Christianity do not seem to be compatible. Therefore, since Christianity is true, Evolution must therefore be false.