I was ok with how you said it. I knew where you were going
Why do you think they are not growing?
Re: that direction
Orthodox = schism, therefore, ≠ orthodox
Schism has always been a condemned direction from the beginning.
Can you imagine Jesus allowing any apostle to leave Peter after He gave Peter a new name, said He would build His Church on Peter, the keys to the kingdom of God went to Peter, and Jesus told Him to feed and rule Our Lord’s Church? It goes without saying, the apostles were to give their allegiance to Jesus plan.
There was an argument however, by the apostles over this. Jesus settled their argument
for space, here’s a link describing what happened #
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So we know the answer. We don;t have to guess.
as an aside, we hear 1st among equals by the Orthodox when it comes to Peter against the authority we know Jesus gave Peter.
An Orthodox priest I used to converse with said this about 1st among equals #
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then I have to ask, why isn’t it growing? Why are parishes stagnant?