What is the Gospel to Catholics?

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“… he defended the truth of the Gospel, which is nothing if not Jesus Christ, the Lord.”
~ Pope Benedict XVI



of course it is very much concerned with his life his death and his resurrection…
and our salvation and life thus in him via faith and baptism…etc

but there is much that can be included under the word ‘Gospel’…the evangelium…

a good source vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_16101979_catechesi-tradendae_en.html
I am still a child and have a long way before I can make my own decisions. I’ll be 15 next month. And my mother doesn’t really like Catholics that much.

Please pray for my family’s conversion, especially my mother’s.🙂 And please also pray for me. Pray that God will give me patience to wait.

God bless:)
Hi - I was very much like you (except I wouldn’t have referred to myself as a child at age 14 - but kids were different back then in the Stone Age.) I wanted to be Catholic so badly but my mother refused to even consider allowing me.

But - you know what? The years go by and you will grow up and your mother will no longer can tell you what to do or not do. Let’s say you live to be 80 years old. And let’s say you become a Catholic when you’re 25. That’s 55 years of being a Catholic! And if your experience is anything like mine, you’ll treasure every minute that you’re Catholic.

And - something else to consider. Its also possible that you might marry a terrific Catholic guy and have children that you’ll bring up Catholic! 😃 Maybe keeping this dream in your mind will help you get through these years until you’re making your own decisions.
Hi - I was very much like you (except I wouldn’t have referred to myself as a child at age 14 - but kids were different back then in the Stone Age.) I wanted to be Catholic so badly but my mother refused to even consider allowing me.

But - you know what? The years go by and you will grow up and your mother will no longer can tell you what to do or not do. Let’s say you live to be 80 years old. And let’s say you become a Catholic when you’re 25. That’s 55 years of being a Catholic! And if your experience is anything like mine, you’ll treasure every minute that you’re Catholic.

And - something else to consider. Its also possible that you might marry a terrific Catholic guy and have children that you’ll bring up Catholic! 😃 Maybe keeping this dream in your mind will help you get through these years until you’re making your own decisions.
I won’t be marrying a “man”. Because I am a boy. LOL:p

Children have changed from then to now. I wish I could be Catholic for 55 years:D But I will wait… Wait for God’s timing.
=Oumashta;6295559]What is the Gospel to Catholics?
I know what the Gospel is to protestants and how they spread it (I was raised in it). But what is the Gospel to Catholics?
😃 In my current situation I know I must be a Catholic. (you can look at my older posts to see my story:D) but I cannot because of my protestant family. How would I spread the Gospel in my situation? Do I tell them to go to a Catholic church? How do I spread the Gospel without my protestant mother seeing?
I am still a child and have a long way before I can make my own decisions. I’ll be 15 next month. And my mother doesn’t really like Catholics that much.
Please pray for my family’s conversion, especially my mother’s.🙂 And please also pray for me. Pray that God will give me patience to wait.
God bless:)
***Know that you have just been added to my daily prayer list.:signofcross:

The Gospel to Catholics is PART of the Divinely Inspired Words of God, that are to be lived, and understood in the reflected light of what the Catholic Church teaches in Doctrine, Dogma, and Tradition.

What is the Protestant understanding?

It is the foundaton for a way of live that conforms fully with the Words, actions, example of Chist Himself. [ALL not just some:)].

In order to do this one must:

Know what we Catholics believe and why,

Then live accordingly as a “light on the hillside” for others to see. "The ONLY Gospel, the ONLY Bible most people will see; is how we live our lifes :o

Tust in God’s Mercy and love. Keep praying, and believing. God remains in charge:thumbsup:!

If you have any specific questions just PM me.

Love and prayers,

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