I’ve been wondering what is he hardest part of being a priest. The loneliness, lack of private time, over worked, no time to pray brievery…? Are there any priests out there?
I’m not a priest, so I give only opinion from my observation.I’ve been wondering what is he hardest part of being a priest. The loneliness, lack of private time, over worked, no time to pray brievery…? Are there any priests out there?
I’m not a priest, so I give only opinion from my observation.I’ve been wondering what is he hardest part of being a priest. The loneliness, lack of private time, over worked, no time to pray brievery…? Are there any priests out there?
several priests I know have said they have no problem with poverty and chastity, but obedience is the biggest challenge. In this diocese, and I suppose many places, many or most priests are doing 2 full time jobs and the stress of that alone is enough to cause problems. Most priests I know feel they cannot give as much time and attention as they wish to parishioners and their needs because of the conflicting demands on them.I’ve been wondering what is he hardest part of being a priest. The loneliness, lack of private time, over worked, no time to pray brievery…? Are there any priests out there?
\I know a priest from a family of 4 kids. He and his 2 brothers are priests and his sister is a nun. (Those parents knew how to pray for vocations)
Father says, however, that it does bother him knowing that when his parents health starts to fail, none of the kids can go home and take care of them. They have to trust God that somehow He will provide for the parents. —KCT
I have heard several priests say the vow of obedience is by far the hardest thing to followI’ve been wondering what is he hardest part of being a priest. The loneliness, lack of private time, over worked, no time to pray brievery…? Are there any priests out there?
My kids bought me Fr. Joe’s book for Christmas last year and I enjoyed it very much. If you love to hunt or fish, or if you love nature and the outdoors, this book does a great job of showing you God through nature.I would say it varies from priest to priest. Some struggle with the administration duties of a parish, others with personal/spiritual/health issues, others struggle with their preaching, some with obedience, you name it, there is a priest who probably struggles with it.
I for one, struggle with trying to get some sleep! Hence I’m on CAF trying to wind down.
I think this is true with any vocation. Nothing prepared me for the sorrows that accompanied parenting and difficulties with my marriage. I too pray it would get easier, but it doesn’t.**Not even intense training can prepare you for what you are getting into. don’t let me scare you thou, You will see and go thru things that nothing can prepare you for. God does things that may only make sence to him alone. When I was ordained in 2003, it was into a independent catholic group, and my first ministry was hospital work. 7th call I got was to give last rites to a newborn that only lived 16 mins. I was on a list the nurses would call when a patient requested a catholic priest. it was at 2:21 am and they called me because they couldn’t reach a RC priest who could come in. I grabbed my priest bag and was on my way. the mother wouldn’t let them take the baby away without last rites, so I had to hurry. I got there in 12 mins, performed the last rites and prayed with the family as she let them take it away. I stayed for hours with her praying. I cryed for days after this. none of my training or anything had prepared me for this. I prayed each of my hours with tears in my eyes asking God if this gets easier over time. he said no. he said he will always walk with me and be with me. I am not trying to scare anyone off. a priest needs to be a special person.
According to canon law, this is neither gracious nor patient, it is disobediant. Only Catholics (and Orthodox) are permitted to receive EucharistBut father graciously offers them to receive communion if they like.
More than I would do. Or maybe I need to go more and learn from father how to be patient.![]()
Within there own rites.According to canon law, this is neither gracious nor patient, it is disobediant. Only Catholics (and Orthodox) are permitted to receive Eucharist
If they are worthy.Within there own rites.
He doesn’t know who these people are so would you have a person wear a stamp on thrie head to indicate they are Catholic?According to canon law, this is neither gracious nor patient, it is disobediant. Only Catholics (and Orthodox) are permitted to receive Eucharist