from where does your information, and knowledge of what the human soul is, come from.
Philosophy, Divine Revelation, and the teaching of the Catholic Church.from where does your information, and knowledge of what the human soul is, come from.
A fine answer, but the question then changes, as to where does the church, get it’s information, as to what the soul is.Scripturally, the soul is the life.
The Church holds that the human, or “rational soul,” is also the source of what we would call the human mind.
You have had a divine revelation? or was the divine revelation attributed to another person who merely wrote the revelation down? Again, you are caught in an endless loop, of it says so, therefor it is true.Philosophy, Divine Revelation, and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
A nice evasion, and absolutely no substance.through the grace of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of the Word
So Aristotle and Aquinas, did experiments that proved the soul?Experimental verification of the conclusions of Aristotle and Aquinas - you must remember that an idea such as “soul” is a symbolic coined term that is commonly held by those observing and reasoning a like understanding. With a term like “soul” it is, however, rare these days that everyone is speaking of the same thing. For example, for my understanding, my intellect and will are powers of my soul and not in any way or shape part of my material (physical) composition. Even my conscious thoughts and reasonings are not in my soul (though my soul makes use of them and my brain). Yet I know that many cannot tolerate the idea that our intellect and will are not part of our physical makeup.
Actually, experiments of the epistemological type - examining my own and other reasoning, thought processes, etc., and finding their descriptions fully matched actual. It is what everyone has to do when studying philosophy - look inside themselves to see if it is true, if they know it as described.So Aristotle and Aquinas, did experiments that proved the soul?
Can you please share the substance of these experiments?
PS. Your intellect and will, are the products of your DNA, as it has formed the substance and chemicals in your brain, where intellect and all conscious, and unconscious thought happens. You however are free to believe otherwise, as I know that you have no knowledge of neural, electrochemical interactions.
You say "Actually, experiments of the epistemological type - examining my own and other reasoning, thought processes, etc., and finding their descriptions fully matched actual. "Actually, experiments of the epistemological type - examining my own and other reasoning, thought processes, etc., and finding their descriptions fully matched actual. It is what everyone has to do when studying philosophy - look inside themselves to see if it is true, if they know it as described.
I do understand very well the interactions of the central nervous system, and how DNA has done very well by me. Yet, I am very much free from them so far as knowing and acting. Instead they are tools or instruments at my disposal.
You have had a divine revelation? or was the divine revelation attributed to another person who merely wrote the revelation down? Again, you are caught in an endless loop, of it says so, therefor it is true.
Where does the knowledge of what the soul is come from?
The Church observes what is revealed.A fine answer, but the question then changes, as to where does the church, get it’s information, as to what the soul is.
Post # 12 continuedYou have had a divine revelation? or was the divine revelation attributed to another person who merely wrote the revelation down? Again, you are caught in an endless loop, of it says so, therefor it is true.
Where does the knowledge of what the soul is come from?
Post 14 continuedYou have had a divine revelation? or was the divine revelation attributed to another person who merely wrote the revelation down? Again, you are caught in an endless loop, of it says so, therefor it is true.
Where does the knowledge of what the soul is come from?
Huh? You asked “did Aquinas and Aristotle do experiments?” to which John Martin replied, “Actually, [they conducted] experiments of the epistemological type – examining ‘my own’ and ‘other’ reasoning, thought processes, etc, and finding [that] their descriptions fully matched [what is] actual [observed data].”You say "Actually, experiments of the epistemological type - examining my own and other reasoning, thought processes, etc., and finding their descriptions fully matched actual. "
This appears to be an incomplete statement, so can you please finish, fully matched actual…then you stop, so actual what?
I tend to look for the simple answers first, so mea culpa in that regard.You have had a divine revelation? or was the divine revelation attributed to another person who merely wrote the revelation down? Again, you are caught in an endless loop, of it says so, therefor it is true.
Where does the knowledge of what the soul is come from?
Animals and plants can be shown to live, move and have being, but most people who believe in the soul do not atribute souls to plants or animals. Unless you mean something more specific by ‘have being’.We exist. We live, and move, and have being. We can say we are animated. “Soul” expresses this reality.
How is it not self-evident that you exist?Clem456, the human soul is not self-evident to me or to many many other people.
Those are animated as well. They are not animated in the same way as a human being. A human being is the union ofAnimals and plants can be shown to live, move and have being, but most people who believe in the soul do not atribute souls to plants or animals. Unless you mean something more specific by ‘have being’.