But surely the scientific method is such that, having devised a hypothesis that seems to accord with what is observed, experiments are then carried out specifically to try to prove or disprove the hypothesis with respect to any other explanation.
Have experiments been carried out that verify the soul hypothesis and disprove the ‘mind without a soul’ hypothesis? I suspect not, or else the existence of the soul would be taught in biology lessons.
So, is it that experiments have been carried out but they do not prove the existence of the soul? In which case the idea of the soul persists despite scientific evidence to the contrary. Or is it that the nature of the hypothesised soul is such that no experiment can be devised? In which case it remains an unproven idea.
While this is how you say that the validity of ideas should be assessed, I would assert that 99.9% of what you “know” to be true has not been determined by your personal experimentation. Ultimately, all you know is based on faith in something, and most, you have accepted on authority.
I would also point out that science is a social phenomenon. Whatever concepts, ideas, imaginings that you have about the world, they are part of the social fabric that is the realm of human knowledge. Science is component of systems that have to do with ideology, politics, economics and honour. From the food you eat, the news you read, the toilet paper you use, from morning to night, this very experience is the product of scientific research and development. You cannot take the human factor out of science. In addition, I would say that ultimately, it is only through preset ways that we perceive and understand the universe that we form ideas about ourselves in the world.
So, here I am communicating with you. We are physical beings and we connect within nature, as part of nature. I could go into a long discussion as to the myriad of factors that go into the building of the experience you are having at the moment. Your very ability to see and organize these symbols, their transformation into ideas can be understood neurophysiologically. If you notice that you are sitting on a chair, you can understand how the innumerable biochemical events that are taking place in your brain are such that their organization presents itself as gestalts in the mind. There is an organized pattern of perception, feeling and thought that is in one moment thinking about these words, and the next thinking about your behind. You are one person, who can be understood in accordance to different dimensions/categorical systems/ frameworks/whatever - mind and body. In addition to these irrefutable two ways of understanding ourselves, is the spiritual soul.
I am here communicating to you who exists in your moment - this very moment to you. It is irrefutable that I exist now as it is irrefutable that you exist now. The problem is that on my drive to my weekly retreat, I may die. Although we are connecting here, I may no longer be on this earth at the time when you read this.
We are real and we connect with the world. We are mysteries as is the world. In this moment that mystery comes into existence as experience which is the manifestation of our having fundamentally a relational nature. This is all about the soul - the existence of oneself in the world as a separate being participating in and communing with the world. Love is the perfect expression of relating - a giving oneself over to that which is other and thereby becoming one with it. We do this all the time. You are doing this now as you read and understand these words. The soul has to do with the overarching reality of what is truly going on. You get it by just being.
I have to leave. sorry for typos.