What is the minimum belief you have to believe to be Catholic?

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This is such a good question because I believe the Creed and of course the Bible and the majority of what the Church teaches and I like your style of worship, and I agree with position of all the social issues (abortion, same sex marriage etc.) BUT I do not believe all the (in my mind) added weird stuff like if you go to mass the first 9 Fridays in a row “Jesus will remember you in the end of time” (a different thread on this forum called First Fridays) I mean, that’s just wacky and where did Jesus ever say that in the gospel accounts? So can I still become Catholic?
It is baptism that makes you Catholic. An infant just baptized knows nothing, understands nothing, believes nothing, and is Catholic. Once Catholic, that is to say, once baptized, you have to leave the Church (or be excommunicated) to become a non-Catholic.
I must correct myself. Let me quote & paraphrase what I found in various places in the Catechism on this point: Baptism incorporates us in the Church, and baptism seals with an indelible mark. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation (italics mine). Excommunication does not erase baptism, but impedes the reception of the sacraments and the exercise of certain ecclesiastical acts.

This is why a person who has been excommunicated returns by way of absolution, not by way of re-baptism. Catholics may, however, be guilty of incredulity (neglect or willful refusal to believe revealed truth), heresy (post-baptismal denial or obstinate doubt of some truth which must be believed), apostasy (total repudiation of the faith), or schism (refusal of submission to the Pope or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him).

Note refusal to be in communion with other members of the Church makes one a schismatic Catholic(!)

Here is my favorite section from the entire Catechism. It is in the Prologue.

Above All–Charity

To conclude this Prologue, it is fitting to recall this pastoral principle stated by the Roman Catechism:

The whole concern **of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. **Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope or for action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible, so that anyone can see that all the works of perfect Christian virtue spring forth from love and have no other objective than to arrive at love. (All boldface mine).

Is that not beautiful?
carol marie:
is is such a good question because I believe the Creed and of course the Bible and the majority of what the Church teaches and I like your style of worship, and I agree with position of all the social issues (abortion, same sex marriage etc.) BUT I do not believe all the (in my mind) added weird stuff like if you go to mass the first 9 Fridays in a row “Jesus will remember you in the end of time” (a different thread on this forum called First Fridays) I mean, that’s just wacky and where did Jesus ever say that in the gospel accounts? So can I still become Catholic?

As a Catholic, you are not required to believe in any of the private revelations that the Church accepts as authentic, i.e. Mary appearing at Fatima, or Lourdes. First Fridays came from a private revelation, and therefore, you are not bound to believe it or accept it as real.

With that said, I can tell you from personal experience that the private revelations that God has given to a select few, and have been approved by the Church are like icing on the cake. You don’t have to have icing to enjoy cake, but sure does make it so much better.

I have been attending First Friday Masses for almost two years, and regardless of if my name is written somewhere never to be erased, what has happened is my family and has grown in holiness and love for each other. Our peaceful home has become even more peaceful.
Just believe enough to treat the least like they may be Christ and the rest becomes gravy.

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