All of nature reveals the presence of its Creator, the Triune Godhead.
From the smallest to the largest, all exists in relation to all else and to its Source.
An infinite symphony covering the extent of time and space, it all is, as part of His Divine plan.
God is here right now: Father to our existence, the human incarnate Son and Way to communion within the Trinity through the grace of His Holy Spirit.
We are here and now on a journey, participants in time, which He created and began some thirteen billion years ago.
It all started with a universe of light, hotter than the hottest sun, emerging from a single point of infinite density.
As it grew in size, distance-time being one of the basic relational properties of what constitutes matter, the small subatomic particles that existed about half a million years into the process, slowed down and interacted to form the protons, neutrons and electrons that would then come together as atoms.
We see levels of creation, from a substrate of light, “spoken” by God, taking shape over time, as individual expressions of material form are successively brought together, parts of an inclusive whole, which forms the substratum of the next level of creation.
What this means may be obvious.
We as individual persons constitute a whole as we exist in ourselves.
This is far more complex but similar to the whole that is each animal, each plant, each unicellular creature, as they all exist in themselves.
Life is one step up from the unity that are physical, organic and nonorganic substances, which in turn are one step up from the subatomic processes which form their constituent parts.
All that exists does so in relation to everything else.
We see this in the most basic of material structures, in the laws and principles that define what they are and what they do.
In mankind, this relational nature is fulfilled in our capacity to give of ourselves to what is other., which thereby allows us to enter into communion with the Source of all this wonder.