What is the nature of gravity?

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One, in my pondering, has to ask: From where does all of the structure come?

From where does all of the logic and super-logic come?

I am using super-logic in the sense that it goes beyond our logical abilities, at least for now.

The complexity and harmony are infinite or quasi infinite. Since we have not seen the end of the universe, perhaps it is without end.
Gravity seems to be electromagnetic in its nature.
If you have evidence of that, would you mind giving it here? It is a known fact that gravity has never been shielded. But electricity and magnetism have. This suggests that gravity, if it is a part of nature, is not anything at all like electricity or magnetism.

This quote is what prompted me to start this thread.

I was looking for a physical analogy for this point about God’s act and power.


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One cannot at once be walking a given distance and have walked it, be being cured

and have been cured, be learning something and have learned it. But at once one is

seeing and has seen, one is understanding and has understood, one is alive and has

been alive, one is happy and has been happy. In the former instances there is a

difference between action and end, and we have either what is not properly action or,

at best, incomplete action - such are movements. In the latter instances action and

end are coincident - such are operations.
Hence, in Aquinas’s words, “a movement is an act of something that is incomplete (
motus est actus imperfecti) whereas an operation is an act of a subject already possessing full actuality (operatio est actus perfecti).”
While the first kind of act is an act that exists in potentiality, the second kind exists

not in potentiality but in act.

I cannot see my own thoughts.

I cannot observe the thoughts of other people.

Thought cannot be observed directly.

Could gravity be caused by a thought or something even higher than a thought?
The answer is Yes, there are forces in the universe that are not understood. The order in things, and their purpose, like the effects of a school of fish below the water betray their presence. St. Thomas explains that the administration of world are accomplished by angels.

Try this one on for size: I was levitated by two individuals using two fingers of each hand, under my knee, and arm pit, one man on each side. I weighed l65 lbs aprox. They were short in stature, of average build. They by their own admission said that I was light as a feather, and I felt all of my weight gone, no force on my body. they repeated the act twice.
Each time they said I got so light that they could have lifted me to the ceiling. I was a weight lifter, so I know what weight is, had a studio. I had many witnesses. I suspected paranormal activity. I commanded the evil spirit to cease his activity in the Name of Jesus. Guess what, they couldn’t lift me anymore, many tried but failed. Unseen forces that operated in the universe are angels. I know I experienced them, and they are made by the Logos, So fellows even if you find the ultimate physical force, you still will never find the cause, it is not seen but understood, and you have to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit ( I speak to believers)
The answer is Yes, there are forces in the universe that are not understood. The order in things, and their purpose, like the effects of a school of fish below the water betray their presence. St. Thomas explains that the administration of world are accomplished by angels.

Try this one on for size: I was levitated by two individuals using two fingers of each hand, under my knee, and arm pit, one man on each side. I weighed l65 lbs aprox. They were short in stature, of average build. They by their own admission said that I was light as a feather, and I felt all of my weight gone, no force on my body. they repeated the act twice.
Each time they said I got so light that they could have lifted me to the ceiling. I was a weight lifter, so I know what weight is, had a studio. I had many witnesses. I suspected paranormal activity. I commanded the evil spirit to cease his activity in the Name of Jesus. Guess what, they couldn’t lift me anymore, many tried but failed. Unseen forces that operated in the universe are angels. I know I experienced them, and they are made by the Logos, So fellows even if you find the ultimate physical force, you still will never find the cause, it is not seen but understood, and you have to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit ( I speak to believers)
Very good advice. Yes, Thomas did speak of the activity of Angels in the world. It is a pleasant thought. Atheists are missing so much. Catholicism would open up huge vistas they never imagined. Knowing that we have the Good God looking after us is very consoling.

This is serious.

This is also for fun.

This is for discussion.

Perhaps it is dialectical.

Does gravity have mass?

What beings do we know that do not have mass?

Does our mind have mass?

Does pi have mass?

Does circle have mass?

Does one have mass (number)?

If gravity does not have mass (which I do not know).

If our thoughts do not have mass.

Is perhaps gravity a thought (logos) or the product of a thinking being?

Are there any other beings that do not have mass?
Our experience comes from objective reality, the physical world and because it does , it is a physical force if it was spiritual in nature we would never sense it, but only understand it by proper logic and universal self-evident truths. We know that it exists in degrees, the further from the center of the earth, the weaker the material force. Then we enter another field that is affected by the distance we are to another planet, or sun. So it can be a subject that can be explored by empirical scientists I would speculate that has to do with the movement of the earth around the sun which puts out a intensive radiation of subatomic particles and the earth can act like a generator that cuts the line of forces and produces the gravitation force’ We know the movement of objects affected are toward the center of the earth

Although all motion is attributed to an Unmoved Mover in the final analysis. The reality of cause and effect is always applicable in the material world, and even in the spiritual world for creation. It’s the condition of creation Again I state the Angels are administers to the earth, and all of creation, Powers and Principalities
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