Nice quotes, but there is one critical one I would add to, from a male perspective.
Wives are to be submissive to their husbands AND husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves His Church. (Ephesians 5:22-25) Think about that for a minute.
How much is that? How far did Jesus go in His love for His Church? It’s a tall order, eh, guys? How people can have a successful marriage without any faith in this day and age is beyond me.
In my opinion, single Catholics have no business dating non-Catholics. You’re asking for trouble. Something like 90% of mixed marriages makes it to the divorce court and a lot of pain with it.
Husbands and wives are not equal, they are different. Role confusion is a bi-product of the culture of death. I cannot equally give birth, I am a man, so it’s not too hard to figure out the insanity of equality. Roles are not determined by equality but by complimentarity. Every couple is different, and it takes time to form the definition of how you compliment each other.
Those are just my opinions; there is a lot on the Catholic teaching on marriage. Find a catechism and look up Matrimony in the back index.
If your engaged, don’t be stupid, go on an Engagement Encounter Weekend, you’ll make new friends and have a lot of fun.
If your married, go on a Marriage Encounter, especially if you think you don’t need it. It’s for good marriages.
If your marriage is on the rocks, put it on the Rock, and find out about Retrouvaille. It’s about help for troubled marriages and you don’t have to be Catholic. It has something like 80-85% success rate over counseling, even if you are separated or divorced.
What is the role of women in marriage? I’ll get back to the question, but first I have to ask my wife.