
But Matt says that the keys were given to Peter, it says nothing about anyone else. You would think that if there were to be infallibly successors, this would have been said or at least implied. Read the passage again and see if you would really be able to read, “To you (and your successors) I give the keys to the kingdom of heaven).”The pope’s specific authority to speak for Christ can be found in Matt 16:19 in the giving of the keys. Understood in its historical context the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the holder of the keys speaks with the authority of the king (Is. 22:22). In order for any other interpretation to be reached Matt 16:19 must be divorced from its meaning as understood at the time the words were spoken.
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In Christ,
Peter seems to have used these “keys” in the first ten chapters of Acts where he opens the doors to heaven for:
- the Jews (Acts 2)
- The Sameritians (Acts 8)
- Gentiles (Acts 10)
Notice, after this is complete, Peter is only mentioned once more in Acts 15. The transition of is to Paul. Peter had done his job, now Paul was the focus.
But again, can you show me where in this passage in Matt 16 that it is stated or implied that Peter was to give these keys to a successor?