I’m not particularly learned in this area so I’ll mention but one thing:
I have heard this argument before but I can’t seem to recall where I found an answer. If I find something I’ll share it though.
Don’t take it on assumption. Check the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent for yourself (Book). If you’re not feeling up to the task of searching the documents simply ask your friends for citations. Taking things on assumption could lead you anywhere and be utterly ridiculous (Eg. The Council of Lyons decreed that there’s a big, purple elephant in the room). Assuming things is very dangerous (Especially concerning this since it could lead to schism), make it a habit to check for yourself and ask for citations.At the council of Trent the “Traditional latin mass” was declared the normative or standard mass for the latin rite of the Catholic Church forever more. (I take this on assumption)
I have heard this argument before but I can’t seem to recall where I found an answer. If I find something I’ll share it though.