The very fact that the golden rule has existed so long is evidence that it corresponds to reality. In daily life fantasies don’t survive the test of time whereas facts are fertile. Jesus went much further than the golden rule because He told us to love our enemies. He also extended “our neighbour” to every single person on earth and told us we are all brothers and sisters because we have one Father in heaven - which is the only rational foundation for the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.It certainly did. The example and precepts of Jesus have transformed the world. Not only is Christianity the largest religion in the world with more than 2.4 billion believers His teaching that we all have a heavenly Father is the only rational basis of the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.
Your analogy is flawed because Jesus liberated us from moralI see no decrease in moral evil. But even if there would have been a SIGNIFICANT decrease, you would need to prove that it was DUE to the crucifixion. The analogy simply shows that only a logically necessary self-sacrifice would be a sign of love.
- evil.
I’m sure love comes before logic in your life. We’re not biological computers but persons who can choose what to believe, how to live and who to love.
Which would be in the best interest of everyone.**QUOTE]The issue is not the percentage but whether miracles ever occur. If they were abundant it would be obvious that a benevolent Power exists…
You are invoking the principle of equality without any justification for its validity.
On the contrary I maintain that miracles sometimes happen whereas you maintain that miracles **never **happen. A generalisation is obviously in greater need of justification. Not only that. Your generalisation is based on the further generalisation/ assumption that all events are due to natural causes even though our primary datum and sole certainty is our stream of consciousness. We have direct knowledge of our thoughts, feelings and sense data but we only infer the existence of physical reality. Our mind has precedence over matter both in the order of knowledge and our power to control ourselves. Materialism is self-contradictory because it fails to explain intangibles like truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love. It uses the mind to dispose of the mind!But you need to substantiate that miracles actually happen, which would require omniscience on your part. You are not in the position to declare: “this event X could NOT have happened due to natural causes - because I/we know ALL the laws of nature”.