Of course. And my concept of morality is “objective”, though it is not “absolute”. It was “not written on my heart”, it is the result of the many years when I was brought up by my parents, and learned how to behave. Basically it is the “inverted golden rule”.
The problem is now the definition of “evil”. I will offer mine, and maybe you will agree, but maybe not. Here comes the first approximation, which can be amended if such an amendment is warranted: “Evil is to cause harm to a being, which has a nervous system with a pleasure/pain center in it. The one who inflicts the harm must be aware of this fact. The one who suffers the harm did not consent to the action. The harm inflicted is not mitigated by some other, beneficial effects”. It is quite a mouthful, I am afraid, but that is how I define “evil”. I am aware of alternate definitions, like “evil is the privation of good”, but that is overly simplistic to the point of nonsense.
After this I can offer my view: “Yes, there can be certain things which are evil”. Example: “to cause gratuitous pain to someone who does not consent to it”. By this definition to help someone to emulate Christ’s passion, by crucifying the person, who specifically asks for it - is NOT evil. A cat which “plays” with a mouse is not evil. To kill someone who consents to be killed is not evil. To kill someone in self-defense is not evil. To kill someone in the defense of others is not evil… should I go on?