You are not alone. We all suffer from this problem. As I woke up today, I realized where the misunderstanding lies between us concerning Lem’s position. In the story he starts from the notion of the “
philosophical God” - which is not the same as the “
theological God”. I hope that this distinction is clear. The philosophers tried to show the existence of God on fully secular, rational grounds, without any reference to “revelation”. Lem simply takes them by their word, and examines the ramifications of this position.
After all, the experimenter
IS God of his creation. He created it, he created the inhabitants, he has full control over the world - which is precisely what the “philosophical God” is all about - creation and full control. You said that this is a “distortion” because he does not consider the “true God”, the “theological God”. There is no “revelation” for the inhabitants, there is no “sin”, (original or otherwise), there is no “love”. The “experimenter God” merely observes his creation, and continues “eavesdropping” on the conversations and thoughts of the personoids.
But this is the whole point. From the acceptance of the “philosophical God” one cannot advance to the acceptance of the “theological God”. Lem shows the contradictions between the two types of “God-concepts”. There is no logical problem with the notion of the “philosophical God” or “deistic God” - as you expressed it. The problem is with the “theological God”.
The problem is with “revelation”. There is no “revelation”. There is a set of ancient writs that you consider “revelation” - without any ground whatsoever. The so-called “sacred tradition” is simply a propagation of those ancient beliefs.
The problem is with the idea of “heaven and hell”. No semi-decent beings would punish its creation with “eternal damnation” and suffering. Of course I am aware of the usual counter argument, that we “reject” God, and he simply “honors” our choice. What nonsense! I do
NOT reject God, I reject what the believers
SAY about God. A simple lack of belief is NOT rejection. Before I could even think about accepting or rejecting God, the number one necessity would be to “reveal” himself to ME, personally and without a shade of doubt - exactly as Lem pointed out. And this cannot be countered by: “but there is the church, which is Christ’s legacy, and you should trust what the church says”. Why should I? There is no actual evidence for any of it. It is all “hearsay” and “sacred tradition”. It is all self-authentication.
The funny thing is that based upon that so-called “revelation” (the bible) it is not even extraordinary to ask for direct revelation. Supposedly doubting Thomas asked and received it. Why not us? Yes, I am aware of the
non-argument: “Blessed are the ones who have not seen and yet believed”. I am not interested in being “blessed”, I need to
know. Moreover, it is also stated in that “revelation”: “ask and you will be answered, knock on the door and it will be opened”. No matter how fervently you ask, there is no answer, you can bang your head on the door, and it will never be opened.
What is the counter-argument for this? Something along the line: “How dare you to make demands! God will reveal himself to you in his due time, not yours!” And sometimes there comes the addition, in the form of maniacal laugh: "But then it will be too late! You cannot change your mind at that point. Hahaha! You will burn forever! "
You can take this seriously and think about it - in depth. Of you can throw it aside as the meaningless rambling of an old geezer.