Your salty fish example works against you.
You said
‘“This fish tastes salty,” is a factual claim which can be checked by whether salts exist in the composition of the fish.’
But the fish may taste salty to you and yet not contain salts: Your taste-buds could be malfunctioning or firing in response to something which tastes like salt but isn’t, just as saccharine tastes sweet but isn’t sugar. Tastes don’t even need the presence of food - just a tiny electric current is all that’s needed, e.g.
Yeah, and so what? Even delicate scientific instruments give false positives – that is why new and improved models keep appearing. What’s your point? That taste should NEVER be relied upon to “measure” saltiness or sweetness because it occasionally gives false positives?
This is far from proving that taste is a completely unreliable instrument for determining the presence of salt or sugars. Sure, it is “quick and dirty” but once that is understood there is no need to concede taste is completely subjective.
Or the fish may contain salts but not taste salty to you: “Different salts can elicit all five basic tastes, e.g., salty (sodium chloride), sweet (lead diacetate, which will cause lead poisoning if ingested), sour (potassium bitartrate), bitter (magnesium sulfate), and umami or savory (monosodium glutamate).” -
So the taste of the fish to you may or may not coincide with whether the fish really contains salts.
Again, so what? Taste buds are not 100% reliable, in themselves. They aren’t meant to function at that level because they haven’t been calibrated to do so. Does that make taste COMPLETELY subjective? No!
And that’s a case where we can independently use machines to analyze the chemical composition of the fish. But with beauty there is no independent measure, there is no testable analysis.
Yes, this is what you keep asserting, but you fail to give any grounds for thinking beauty is not objective except that there is no “testable” analysis. Presumably, that means no instrument or machine exists to measure beauty.
Okay, but perhaps beauty is not that kind of quantifiable reality.
Your presumption – again one that we have no reason for thinking it to be true – is that all important aspects of reality should be quantifiable in a way that allows “testing” by some contrived mechanical instrument or other. Why do we have any reason for thinking THAT to be true?
We could rightly say that all healthy humans probably share some concepts of what is beautiful and moral, just by virtue of being human, but that’s a long way from claiming that Pink Flood’s greatest hits are more/less beautiful than some other aging pop combo’s, or even that their whale ditty (Echos?) is more/less beautiful than a wolf pack extemporizing under a full moon. If there’s no way to make objective comparisons then the claim that beauty is objective would seem to have no legs.
The problem here is that there is no invented instrument that can measure important qualities like significance, meaning, truth, goodness, value, etc., Human beings, as instruments for measuring those qualities, are all we have. Presumably a cohort of finely calibrated, well-functioning humans would give us the best possible results regarding those qualities, provided we select carefully and don’t succumb to biases or agendas.
Merely because a machine cannot be invented to measure those qualities is no reason to dismiss them all as unimportant or not worth considering. The point beinng that those qualities are far more important than any of the accurately measureable aspects of the physical world and they SHOULD occupy a great deal more of our time to try to apprehend them better, rather than dismissing them on the pretext that they cannot be accurately “measured” in some lab using some complex piece of electronic machinery.
Your, and Hee_Zen’s, position that non-quanitifable aspects of reality should be relegated to the “subjective” bin of shame as not worth wasting time attempting to make “objective” determinations about continues to be an indefensible position, especially since those non-quantifiable aspects of reality - significance, meaning, truth, goodness, value, etc. – are determinably the key aspects that SHOULD occupy our time.
Any position that claims they SHOULDN’T BE is self-refuting since it MUST give a value-based - and thus NOT quantifiable – accounting for why they shouldn’t be.
How’s that for addressing your post?
Happy now?