The first parish was like, the worst of Vatican 2. It didn’t even have its own church, it was sharing an “interfaith center” that had rooms that looked like a gym with no statues, crummy portable chairs, and felt banners. The second parish was more traditional and the priest there was a good man who in hindsight had his hands full. I have had anxiety my whole adult life, so I don’t really want to blame the second parish for all my hangups. The priest there ended up being very kind and helpful to me and my future husband later. Also, the two other parishes in the immediate vicinity were full of child sexual abusers (one of them had like 3 in a row and some acting in concert, and the other had the priest from “The Keepers”) so I will be forever grateful to Father R (now deceased and never accused of anything) for keeping that rot out of our parish, which at the time had an elementary school attached.
In those days, with no internet, it was harder to look around and find diocesan options or other parishes with stuff going on for young singles. I managed to meet a nice husband anyway, but he wasn’t Catholic.
In those days, with no internet, it was harder to look around and find diocesan options or other parishes with stuff going on for young singles. I managed to meet a nice husband anyway, but he wasn’t Catholic.
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