What is wrong with this picture?

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#1 The fact that the first Christians called themselves ’Catholic’ long before 1054 AD.

#2 The Roman Catholic church is but one rite within the Catholic Church yet in that picture it’s treated as a sect or a denomination.

#3 Armeanians and Copts broke off before 1054 AD but they haven’t received a mention there.

#4 Lutherans seems to branch way too early compared with other branches and it seems as if Lutherans came before Roman Catholics which is utter nonsense.
#5 There are many more branches in Protestantism… 10,000+ denominations
Catholic Church should be in place of “CHRISTIANITY” with big straigh line to an end of picture.
But if you want it religiously correct above christianity there should be Catholic Church and straight line to end of picture and pointer to left direction as Great Schism 1054.as first turn from it with all other schisms as one big tree.
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Funny how no one laughed at my s-tier meme, SMH

I am kidding
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Maybe it should be Orthodox Christianity depending on who you ask.
Is the Pope Catholic? Was Peter not the first Pope?
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basically means “top-notch” or, as I’m fond of saying, “EPIC”
I’ve never heard that before. I liked the meme, just had to think about it for a moment. :crazy_face:
Fixed it

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It depends on who you ask but it doesn’t change the truth, with respect to Orthodoxy. I believe it as I wrote it (yes I studied it for longer time and thought alot about all this topic of schisms and history of Catholic Church).
This image doesn’t even do justice to the Protestant denominations; it implies relationships and histories that aren’t quite accurate in the evolution of those denominations. (Not to mention, as was said above, numerous, numerous omissions.)
It’s missing the main, enduring schisms and heresies from the first millenium for one (Nestorianism, non-Chacledonians, etc.). There are also plenty of other small schisms and heresies going off of pretty much every branch that are left out.

It also falsely implies these are common, or equal branches of one tree. In truth, all but one of those branches should be seen as cut off from the one trunk–the one Church perdures as one by the promise of Christ.

Ultimately, what is wrong with it, is that all the baptized should be in faith, in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. But as the Scripture states, “there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you.” (1 Cor. 11:19)
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Looks like a mustard seed growing into a huge bush with many branches.
Seems heavily weighted towards Orthodox side of the Great Schism, without accounting for early schismatics and heretics, nor more recent heresies/schisms from Orthodoxy, such as Old Believerism, Old Calendarism, Name-Worshippers, Zealots, Renovationists, Khlysty-Spiritual Christians, Skoptsy, etc.
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Where’s the Assyrian church, its schism and reunification of one faction with the Catholics?
Where is the Oriental Orthodox branch?
Where is the Russian Orthodox branch?
Where is the reunification of other Eastern churches with the Holy See? Ukrainians, Melkites?
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