But that doesn’t answer why there must be an actual state some time before creation.Because that is a choice of God too.
You can only have God and his act, creation, at a point since we know that creation exist. In another hand the non-existence of creation is contrary, as it was discussed, this requires two points: (1) God only and a potential state which become actual because of God decision and act and (2) God only or God and creation. This embed God in time. You get another contradiction if you assume (1) and (2) are that same point, you cannot have a state which you have and don’t have creation within, the state is ill-defined. So the only possible scenario is that God and His act, creation exist.But that doesn’t answer why there must be an actual state some time before creation.
Creation does not occur within time, or within a sequence of events.You can only have God and his act, creation, at a point since we know that creation exist. In another hand the non-existence of creation is contrary, as it was discussed, this requires two points: (1) God only and a potential state which become actual because of God decision and act and (2) God only or God and creation. This embed God in time. You get another contradiction if you assume (1) and (2) are that same point, you cannot have a state which you have and don’t have creation within, the state is ill-defined. So the only possible scenario is that God and His act, creation exist.
Yes. Creation only has a beginning. The beginning of creation is the act of creation. I am arguing that you could not have another state before in which God was alone and He was thinking about His act.Creation does not occur within time, or within a sequence of events.
Only existence.Now you need to explain for us, what is a timeless state like?
Yup, HE is!God’s description of God is best
Faith is trust not understanding.An infinite being, Creator, unable to be understood with any certainty by humans with finite minds except through faith.
The ground of all reality. Ultimate reality. The Source of all possibility. The Alpha and the omega. Tetragrammaton.If you have to describe God, what would you say.