What is your favorite Charity?

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I was reading 2 Cor. 9:6 " The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."
’ Almsgiving is called a ’ blessing’", St. Thomas comments, ’ ‘because it is the cause of eternal blessing. For by the action of giving, the person is blessed by God and by men.’ ( Commentary on 2 Cor, ad loc.).

There are so many fine charities that I wish I could give to all of them. But I picked two:
  1. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Home
  2. Catholic Extension Society
Maryknoll is pretty cool and set up strategically well around the globe.
St Vincent de Paul is our favorite charity. My husband is president of our local group. We help so many people in our area…with so many things…from rent and bills to furnishings, food, and friendship. It is truly rewarding to see our $$ going there.

Catholic Charities… specifically for the religious retired, CSA, and Peters Pence…

Louisville Kentuckys Crusade for Children…

and, Special Olympics… 👍
Catholic Charities, all across the world, generally organized by diocese.

Here is the US parent organization’s site: catholiccharitiesusa.org/

They do very good work and use money and volunteer help wisely.
Mine…don’t really have one but I do give when Sister Joan asks for money for what she simply but criptically calls “The Missions”
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging in Kansas City, over 90 percent of funds collected spent on programs, you can write to the person you sponsor and get an answer, you can visit countries where they have projects and see how programs are run, regular reporting on the foundation and its programs
My favourite charity is Aid to Church in Need www.aidtochurch.org

This is an international organisation which gives most of the money they receive to projects which are Faith affirming e.g. they give Mass stipends to Third World Priests, build convents, send bibles to children in Third World Countries, give money to seminarians so that they can continue their studies etc So many of the Catholic charities today seem to concentrate on the temporal health of people with no mention of saving souls for God.

Here in Australia we have Project Compassion boxes for Lent. My family saves a few extra boxes and uses them ( re badged lol) for the rest of the year to save money for Aid to Church in Need.
Obviously…Catholic Answers. “Saving souls one at a time.”

Now can we also list those charities that we SHOULD NOT contribute to?
Is United Way one of these?

Go with God!
As a Knight mine has to be The Knights of Columbus. We give most of the funds we collect to the mentally handicapped but also give to vocations, needy families, St. John Neuman foundation, homeless shelters, and just about any other person or organization who needs our help. 👍
The charity that I give the most money to is the Cardinals Appeal for the Washington Archdiocese. The overhead and administration cost of the appeal is very small and all the money goes to services I approve of.

I also have a policy that if an organization is constantly sending me things asking for money they are dropped off my list. I call it my PBS policy, since PBS constantly sends out stuff asking for money. I haven’t given to them in over 7 years and I still get stuff about every month. I feel that if an organization keeps sending out mail to you and everyone else on the list they are spending too much on mail and not enough on program.
The charity that I give the most money to is the Cardinals Appeal for the Washington Archdiocese. The overhead and administration cost of the appeal is very small and all the money goes to services I approve of.

I also have a policy that if an organization is constantly sending me things asking for money they are dropped off my list. I call it my PBS policy, since PBS constantly sends out stuff asking for money. I haven’t given to them in over 7 years and I still get stuff about every month. I feel that if an organization keeps sending out mail to you and everyone else on the list they are spending too much on mail and not enough on program.
Amen brother. Some charities make you very cautious about giving to anyone because you don’t want your mailbox filled with their pleas for more of you money.
My favorite is Catholic Relief Services [).www.catholicrelief.org](http://www.catholicrelief.org)./) They help the needy around the world especially in crisis situations. Ninety percent goes to the programs. I also like the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.
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