What is your favorite Charity?

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My favorite is the humane societies(SPCA’s)…someone has to look after God’s neglected creatures too!! I’m a college student so i don’t have much money to spare so i donate my points I get from the store I work at. The humane societies shop at these stores for food and other pet supplies, and they use the points donated to purchase them. So If i need laundry soap or a mop or school supplies, I get a certain amount of points with them, i just give them to the society…it’s a great way to contribute. i’m also thinking about fostering orphan kittens until they reach an adoptable age!!
I’ve stopped supporting Catholic Charities after learning about CC fight for supporting illegal immigrants. I’m for helping people, but not people who broke our laws and in mass numbers are invading our country (a dramatic change in culture is taking place with 15 million illegal immigrants in addition to 30% of the federal prisioners being illegeal immigrants) while our politicians do nothing but pander to them and their lobby groups.

Article 4. Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
I support several members of the Society of the Divine Word, both in the US and in the south Pacific (primarily New Zealand).

I’m also a huge supporter of the charities that help people in crisis, like the Salvation Army, Community Action Coalition, and Crisis Pregnancy Counseling.

Lastly, though most importantly, I’m very active in the ministerial aspects of crisis pregnancy/healing and preparing political candidates to support life through organizations such as the Life Advocacy Resource Panel, the diocesan Right to Life panel, Project Rachel, and the Nurturing Network. If we can’t walk the talk, then we’re nothing more than talking heads.
The local Catholic Crisis Pregnancy Center and Pro-Life Activities.
Obviously…Catholic Answers. “Saving souls one at a time.”

Now can we also list those charities that we SHOULD NOT contribute to?
Is United Way one of these?

Go with God!
I personally don’t give to United Way because I have other causes closer to my heart, and I serve on enough local boards of directors to have a lot of obligations to give. But I pester our local chapter of United Way about this and am repeatedly assured that they do not give to Planned Parenthood and any other nefarious groups, that the religious benefactor is so important to them that they avoid supporting any group or cause that would alienate the active churchgoer. I would love to confirm this independently. I agree with the comment that I am much less likely to give to any Catholic group that supports a variety of radical positions like encouraging illegal immigration. I’m perpetually offended by Catholic groups implying that social justice means I have to support every liberal cause out there.
My dh & I contribute to several charities on a regular basis (as part of our tithe). St. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School, St. Joseph’s Indian Mission, EWTN, and our local Crisis Pregnancy Center. Of course, we also support our church!

I have given to Food For the Poor in the past, and have heard their founder speak. They seem to make a great effort to use any donations wisely and to reach out to the poorest of the poor. And they are very lowkey, they don’t trumpet themselves.
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