What is your favorite movie?

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What is your favorite movie?
Non-catholic movie would be “The Sixth Sense” by M. Night Shayalan (don’t know how to spell his last name) M. Night is REALLY good about making scary/freaky/intense movies. I mean their scary, but not TOO scary. He also made “Signs” and “The Village” which I both like.

Catholic movie would be “The Passion of the Christ”
I want to see “Excesism of Emily Rose”
I would have to agree with you there. I also want to watch “The Exorcist”.
Non Catholic movie What about Bob

Catholic movie Jesus of Nazareth/Passion of the Christ
My top 5:

  1. *]The Passion of the Christ
    *]The St Therese Movie
    *]The Lord of the Rings Movies
    *]The Chronicles of Narnia
    *]My Fair Lady

Has any seen that movie “Joshua”? It is kinda low budget. It airs on TBN (which I don’t watch). It was kinda good. It called those miracle services blasphemous. It also acknowleged the pope as St. Peter. Not usual in a protestant film. It was kind of both ways though. I lik to call it a protesholic film.
My top 5:

  1. *]The St Therese Movie


  1. OMG!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I WANT IT ON DVD!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!😃 :bounce: :bowdown2:
I have seen the exorcism of Emily Rose. It is very good. I would suggest that either before or after you see it you also read the book “An exorcist tells his story”. It will give you more insight into what is going on with Emily. I actually cried at the end of the movie.

My favorite movie though is without a doubt “The Passion” It played a huge part in my reconversion as it showed me what true love is all about. Sad huh it took me to see it with my eyes.
I have seen the exorcism of Emily Rose. It is very good. .
Thanks for the info.
I want to see it. I especially like when he says “There is no medication for the devil” cool :yup:

The passion was good too. :love: LOVE YOU JESU!!!
What hit me the hardest was that if Satan is capable of that here in this life, I dont want to know what he can do in Hell to those who go there.
What hit me the hardest was that if Satan is capable of that here in this life, I dont want to know what he can do in Hell to those who go there.
Nor do I, for that matter… 👍
  1. The Thin Red Line
  2. The Green Mile
  3. Akira
  4. The Legend of Bagger Vance
  5. K-Pax
  6. Contact
  1. Akira
  2. The Legend of Bagger Vance
For anime fans, Akira is something of a classic. Definitely not for the kids, though.

I’ve always thought The Legend of Bagger Vance is a seriously underated film. I’m not sure if I’d put it in my top 10, but definitely in my top 20.

In no particular order, my favourites:

The Passion of the Christ
The Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
(The original trilogy, episodes IV-VI)
Enemy Mine
Schindler’s List
If I could only ever see one movie, it would be Dr. Zhivago.
~ Kathy ~
Original Star Wars Triliogy (IV, V, VI), but Episode III from last year was incredible.
  1. Passion of Christ
almost afraid to admit it but…Jaws - the original. (of course I am an ocean lover and a fisherman).

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance – am I dating myself?

wanna see:
The Song of Bernadette

hope to see: (yet non-produced)
Fatima story - soup-to-nuts
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