What is your favorite movie?
Non-catholic movie would be “The Sixth Sense” by M. Night Shayalan (don’t know how to spell his last name) M. Night is REALLY good about making scary/freaky/intense movies. I mean their scary, but not TOO scary. He also made “Signs” and “The Village” which I both like.What is your favorite movie?
I would have to agree with you there. I also want to watch “The Exorcist”.I want to see “Excesism of Emily Rose”
My top 5:
*]The St Therese Movie
Thanks for the info.I have seen the exorcism of Emily Rose. It is very good. .
Nor do I, for that matter…What hit me the hardest was that if Satan is capable of that here in this life, I dont want to know what he can do in Hell to those who go there.
For anime fans, Akira is something of a classic. Definitely not for the kids, though.
- Akira
- The Legend of Bagger Vance
I’ve always thought The Legend of Bagger Vance is a seriously underated film. I’m not sure if I’d put it in my top 10, but definitely in my top 20.
In no particular order, my favourites:
The Passion of the Christ
The Lord of the Rings
Star Wars (The original trilogy, episodes IV-VI)
Enemy Mine
Schindler’s List
~ Kathy ~