What is your favorite video game and why?

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Final Fantasy X is my favorite video game. The characters were amazing and the story was really good. I also really liked Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 4. These didn’t really have any influence on me though. Runescape had the most positive influence on me. I met a lot of amazing people in the game and it helped me make new friends at school who also played it.
If anyone is looking for another video game that resonates emotionally, check out Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. It appears cute, and at points it is cute; but it’s also heartwarming as well as hearbreaking. It’s also the only time a control scheme for a game every gave me chills.

Also I agree with RedDuke that Resident Evil 4 is an amazing game. Like he said it’s not something that will influence you, but it’s just a fun game that pulls you in.
I won an Xbox one x from when Taco Bell was doing that giveaway.
But most games for xbox seem like shooters, which aren’t very interesting to me.
When I tried looking for a good game for it, I came across Ori and the Blind Forest, anyone play it? Was it good?
I have not played or had ever heard of Ori and the Blind Forest, though the graphics are appealing. My all time favorite game that I was referring to in the original post is on Xbox - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
When I think “video game controller”, this is what I think of:

All those newfangled controllers that came afterwards in other systems never felt right when I was younger, and I never could adapt…

I’ll play a little Wii with my kids (Skylanders), but while the graphics are so far beyond anything I ever grew up with, the connection isn’t there.
None of my games ever used the numbers, either. We had things like Centipede, Qbert, Super Breakout, a land-the-space-shuttle game, Pacman, and a few others. The thing I really liked about it was those side red buttons for jumping/shooting things with a pinching motion, while the right hand operated the joystick. I could never get the same kind of dexterity/precision with an A/B button on top of the controller operated by the thumb(s) -type controller.
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Gonna have to go with Undertale. pretty simple and low budget, but the characters and plot are great. I still listen to remixes of its soundtrack a few years later. Follows the “breaking the rules” pattern from some of these games. basic plot is a human falls into a massive underground cave full of monsters and has to get out. the fun part is that you can go through the entire game without ever killing anything. you can talk your way out of EVERY confrontation (the “pacifist” route), or murder absolutely everyone (the “genocide” route). the tone of the game changes so dramatically on these paths that it’s truly startling.

and it’s $15 on steam
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