What is your favourite Prayer?

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I love the rosary. It is so complete. It contains not only meditations on the life of Christ, but also the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Fatima Prayer, and Hail, Holy Queen. I like to begin with the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
Our Father…didn’t make the list?
What is prayed in the Rosary befire every decade, in the breviary at lauds and vespers? I wonder what that could be:p
You mean you do not prayer the chaplet anymore? so no Traditional prayers eh? mmmmmmmmm.
This chaplet and devotion to the BVM are the most sure ways of keeping chastity
Tradition lost, protestantism enters in
God Bless
I said that I pray in tongues. Learn some Church History, or maybe try reading the Bible sometime.

If I was to “protest” anything it’s the lack of faith & intelligence shown on the part of “traditionalist” that refuse to grow in the Holy Spirit.

Fact: Devotions only points us towards eternal salvation, the Holy Spirit is the Power that lives eternal.
The Memorare. I saw it in the Catholic missal in 6th grade the first time I was EVER in a Catholic church. I loved it from that moment. Unfortunatly I thought that it would continue to be in there, so I didn’t work too hard at memorizing it (I already had like 3 or 4 other prayers to learn before I learned extra ones). Since it didn’t continue to be there when they switched the missals I had to find it. I acutally worked for 4 years to find it again.
My favorite is the “Our Father”, it’s the only prayer I need!

And I don’t even need the whole “Our Father”… the only line I really need is “thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. If I’ve got that, what else is there?

How about:
“Good bread, good meat,
Good God, let’s EAT!!!”

Actually, I kind of like the old “Glory be to the Father…”
It’s nice, simple, short and definitely to the point.

As a former Charismatic Evangelical Protestant, I used to pray in tongues all the time, but find now that the Rosary and its prayers actually do the same thing, only better. In both cases, the actual words one is saying are not really relevant: the mind is attending to God, with the words as a sort of obligato or ‘riff’ going on beneath. But the Rosary prayers are better, IMO, because they are themselves words which make sense - one CAN attend to them - whereas prayer in tongues doesn’t (at least, not to us); and also because they are ancient, beautiful and biblical. When I pray them, I ally myself with all my brothers and sisters in the Faith, living on earth or with our Lord; I meditate on the life and death of our Lord and his Blessed Mother; and I can offer all this for any intention I wish. It beats praying in tongues!

I agree with those posters who mentioned the Anima Christi (yes, in Latin - it’s glorious, and the most wonderful prayer for thanksgiving after Communion), the Memorare and St Patrick’s Breastplate (hadn’t seen the full version - isn’t it beautiful!) - can I add the Litany of Loreto, especially in Latin? Those titles of our Lady are so lovely… Sedes sapientiae - Causa nostra letitiae - Foederis arca - Janua caeli - Refugium peccatorum…


Rosa mystica, ora pro nobis
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