What is your idea of Heaven?

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Deacon Tony560:
Great question! The pope came up with a great explaination a couple of year ago, but many are ignoring it. The pope said that we wrongly speak of heaven, hell, and purgatory as places. He said that being in the spirit is not a place, but an altered form of being. Thus, when our mortal bodies return to dust to await the final hour, our lives continue in the spirit.

May god bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
So in the pope saying this,does he mean that heaven isnt an actual place we are in,its just a figure of speech?
Heaven is more to the nth degree than what we can think or imagine. I know from God’s word what it can be; that we will be one in Him, the Lord God of all creation, that we will see the Lord in all His glory and have the mind of Christ. We will share in God’s creation and His mysteries.

How can one imagine to be one with the Holy of Holies! Read the Gospel of John, chapter 17 very carefully. This is what Jesus wants for us in His prayer. v20 “…so that they may all be one, as you, Father are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us,…”
My understanding is that anyone who is in the state of grace is already in Heaven, they just don’t experience it in this world. This is why the mystics talk about consolations, ecstasies etc as being small foretastes of Heaven. Heaven is God, God is Heaven. We shall be immersed in God. It will be a state of sheer bliss. And the beatific vision will be sheer bliss too. We shall have the added bliss of seeing our Lady and all the Angels and Saints. We shall be completly contented, perfect peace, and existing in a blissful state that we know shall never end. In Heaven the only virtue we need is charity. The others shall no longer be needed.
God will infuse endless and an infinite variety of blissful blessings into us. We shall never tire of Heaven. But sing endlessly the praises of God.
If I’m right. I hope I make it. Sounds good.
I had this dream once -
I was walking through a museum underground, in a tunnel which sloped gradually upwards. It was dark, and on either side were windows showing scenes from history. As I walked higher, I began to feel happy - I began to feel a sense of peace and well-being which grew more and more intense. The light got brighter, and I found myself in a white hallway spiraling upwards. I felt I was sure to arrive somewhere wonderful. I came to a couple of stairs leading to a platform about knee high - I climbed the steps and jumped off, landing back on the floor. Somehow I knew that soon I would be able to fly, and everything was going to be all right. I felt so certain, and so happy but knew that I would become even happier. I climbed the steps again, jumped off and was able to fly, and as I flew upwards the walls seemed to dissolve. I flew higher and higher, in a mist of white light, and felt so full of joy I could burst - I felt like the light filled me and transformed me into itself - I was still aware of my consciousness but not my body and called out, with my mind, into the mist wondering what sort of being lived here. And Jesus came out of the mist toward me. I felt the most perfect love radiating from Him. I could see all my own faults so clearly in that light, and He saw them too, and still He loved me, and called me to Him, and I was willing to let them all fall away, let everything else fall away. He spoke to me, without speaking, and said “I want you to know who I am”.

My life has not been the same since . I converted from Wicca to Catholicism, and never looked back .I think that was a glimpse of heaven, and I look forward to the day I can return.
I had this dream once -
I was walking through a museum underground, in a tunnel which sloped gradually upwards. It was dark, and on either side were windows showing scenes from history. As I walked higher, I began to feel happy - I began to feel a sense of peace and well-being which grew more and more intense. The light got brighter, and I found myself in a white hallway spiraling upwards. I felt I was sure to arrive somewhere wonderful. I came to a couple of stairs leading to a platform about knee high - I climbed the steps and jumped off, landing back on the floor. Somehow I knew that soon I would be able to fly, and everything was going to be all right. I felt so certain, and so happy but knew that I would become even happier. I climbed the steps again, jumped off and was able to fly, and as I flew upwards the walls seemed to dissolve. I flew higher and higher, in a mist of white light, and felt so full of joy I could burst - I felt like the light filled me and transformed me into itself - I was still aware of my consciousness but not my body and called out, with my mind, into the mist wondering what sort of being lived here. And Jesus came out of the mist toward me. I felt the most perfect love radiating from Him. I could see all my own faults so clearly in that light, and He saw them too, and still He loved me, and called me to Him, and I was willing to let them all fall away, let everything else fall away. He spoke to me, without speaking, and said “I want you to know who I am”.

My life has not been the same since . I converted from Wicca to Catholicism, and never looked back .I think that was a glimpse of heaven, and I look forward to the day I can return.
That’s a wonderful story. Glad to have you in the fold too.http://forums.catholic-questions.or...atholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
I don’t know exactly what it’ll be like. All I know is somehow, someway I’ll get to FINALLY be Spider-man, and with the help of the X-Men taken on by my friends from planet earth, I will finally be able to crush Magneto. Or at least I hope…8-|
To sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His stories.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you. Save Souls”.
Home. Really, really home…With no need nor desire to wander. And free.
like the very best of what the earth contains, all the glory and wonder of Creation, illuminated by the Beatific Vision, full of good real music (that for me is the real attraction, never again bad folk-rock or screeching sopranos), except I will be 30 years younger and 100 lbs lighter (the fat will burn off in purgatory, which I envision as a really spartan rigorous spa experience)
I had this dream once -
I was walking through a museum underground, in a tunnel which sloped gradually upwards. It was dark, and on either side were windows showing scenes from history. As I walked higher, I began to feel happy - I began to feel a sense of peace and well-being which grew more and more intense. The light got brighter, and I found myself in a white hallway spiraling upwards. I felt I was sure to arrive somewhere wonderful. I came to a couple of stairs leading to a platform about knee high - I climbed the steps and jumped off, landing back on the floor. Somehow I knew that soon I would be able to fly, and everything was going to be all right. I felt so certain, and so happy but knew that I would become even happier. I climbed the steps again, jumped off and was able to fly, and as I flew upwards the walls seemed to dissolve. I flew higher and higher, in a mist of white light, and felt so full of joy I could burst - I felt like the light filled me and transformed me into itself - I was still aware of my consciousness but not my body and called out, with my mind, into the mist wondering what sort of being lived here. And Jesus came out of the mist toward me. I felt the most perfect love radiating from Him. I could see all my own faults so clearly in that light, and He saw them too, and still He loved me, and called me to Him, and I was willing to let them all fall away, let everything else fall away. He spoke to me, without speaking, and said “I want you to know who I am”.

My life has not been the same since . I converted from Wicca to Catholicism, and never looked back .I think that was a glimpse of heaven, and I look forward to the day I can return.
What a wonderful experiece/grace to have been given. Thanks for sharing it with us!
My idea of heaven? Chocolate, chocolate…nothing but chocolate everywhere…and the ability never to gain an ounce while I eat it! 😃

I’m kidding…I don’t think I can beat previous posts. They are wonderful.
My idea of heaven? Chocolate, chocolate…nothing but chocolate everywhere…and the ability never to gain an ounce while I eat it! 😃

I’m kidding…I don’t think I can beat previous posts. They are wonderful.
Jesus ate a fish after His resurrection so I have high hopes of eating in heaven!

Also, besides the Trinity, family and beauty all around my biggest hope for Heaven is that I am no longer a social phobic and will not be avoiding all the heavenly socializing.
Years ago there used to be a TV series called “Twilight Zone”. This one episode was about a man who had played golf when he was on earth. When he died he was ushered by a beautiful person to a beautiful golf course where he could play all day. Everyone at the course was beautiful and polite and every time the man hit a ball it went exactly where he wanted it to go. He was always winning…in fact he could not “NOT” win. The man was very happy for about an hour. Then he got tired of everything always going perfectly for him so he told the beautiful person who ushered him in that he was ready to see the rest of heaven. The beautiful man smiled and said, “Who said this was heaven? This is what you will be doing for eternity…this is hell!”
To learn more about Heaven, I’d recommend these Catholic-approved books;

The Hapiness Of Heaven - Rev. J. Boudreau
A Travel Guide To Heaven - Anthony Destefano

These will expand your knowledge and probably make you an improved Christian, for the spiritual wonders of this place.
This is goofy but I’ll share it anyway. 🙂

Being an offshore recreational fisherman and scuba-diver, obviously I love the sea. Having experienced some pretty bad conditions I often ponder what some of my off-shore locations are like when there is a powerful storm.

I think about what it might be like to experience the sea at such a time under some condition where there was an escape route when tragedy ultimatley struck.

I hope that in Heaven God will grant me this little fantasy. Maybe I can hover over the ocean and witness it’s beauty and power during an ocean storm. I do hope there are storms in Heaven :).
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