What is your opinion on Marxist ideology being taught in Universities?

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No offense, and I understand your point. But in your further explanation, you must admit you have moved the goalposts. I took exception to what caused the greatest problem in the 20th century, you now extend the timeframe into the 21st and the future.

I also don’t quite buy laying the blame for Nazism on ietzche and Darwin. Not that I am any fan if Neitzche and I do understand the connection. I just don’t think the Nazis really built their ideology in (bad) philosophers that much. Communists did.
Well, in my opinion Marxism has come and gone. But the lingering threat of Nietzche, Darwin, and Freud remain. I’ve read almost everything Nietzche wrote not as a disciple of his but to argue against it. So was Nietzche Anti-Semetic and Anti-Slavic? Yes. Did Nietzche favor the powerful like the aristocrats and those who can wield authority over others with no regard to morality? Yes. Did Nietzche favor certain appearances over others like what he called the Blond Haired Blue Eyed Beast (he meant it in a good way)? Yes. Did Nietzche see morality and Christianity as a crutch for the weaker masses and advocate for it’s liberation so the strong would no longer have to abide by it? Yes.

Again, so much of Nietzche’s writing later on became a hallmark of Nazism that while I wouldn’t see it as a direct result, but it definitely inspired some of the tenets of the cause. Again, I’ve read Eli Wiezel’s Night and his Preface he talks about how a Catholic helped him Publish his work and the Nazi Ideology had no Faith other than Race. He experienced it, but I, as an outside observer, point to the Nazi’s flying the Swastika which is a Hindu, Buddhist sign and not the Cross to point that it was not a Christian Movement. Again, while the Jew was not white and sent to concentration camps, I believe it is fair to say the Nazi’s tolerated Christianity until a later date where it could be replaced by it’s own sort of Shintoism that was based on Race. Also, it itself was a sort of Communist movement as well. I can’t remember the term but it was the People’s movement of Worker class ideals as their form of governance.

So, again, we live in that world now that Nietzche, Freud and Darwin brought forth. I’m not saying it’s end times. However, we are living in a Historical period right now. At this moment with the internet age, social media, globalization we are at the cusp of major change that can mean major destruction. Again, the younger generation doesn’t know that this kind of moment has happened repeatedly throughout History and not just recent History. While right now Secularism is popular, there may be a rejuvenation of Faith or that may be it We Christians and Catholics may be small minority of the world like the Jews. I stick to my Faith and Perspective. There have been times like this in the past and Faith tends to come back.
Marxism did adopt one anti Catholic idea that remains integral to socialism to this day: the belief that Man is basically good. He had to argue this because, in a society based on the maxim “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” people are not paid more for doing well in business. Therefore he has to presuppose that a Communist system would work because people would do well for the sake of doing good - without God to tell them to.

This begged the question: Why do people not do that already, if their natures are basically good? His answer was that people are conditioned and trapped by bourgeois society. The dictatorship of the proletariat was needed to purge society of these bad attitudes.

Now, this Is a remarkable echo of the Catholic-Gnostic debate of the early christian centuries. Gnostics also thought that man was basically good but was trapped by the world, for which the antidote was special religious knowledge.

In fact, man is not basically good but basically fallen. No dictatorship can change this, only faith and grace can. The marxist idea that you can force people to be good is unchristian; its milder version, socialism, which argues you can tax people into being good is less brutal but just as uncatholic.

For this reason you cannot be a Catholic socialist and that is an additional reason why, apart from the vital issue of abortion, no Catholic should vote Democrat.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending Marx.
The entire reason Marx was wrong was because the developed nations, as they stood, didn’t become pure gluttonous bourgeois capitalist states was because governments liberalized and even the working classes saw measurable increases in their standard of living. Adam Smith was right, and Marx was utterly wrong. The states that fell to Communist revolution are what we’d now classify as developing states. Those states had far starker divided between rich and poor, between the politically powerful and the largely impotent lower classes. Lenin and Mao had to heavily adapt Marxism, and in the process abandon basic precepts. Initial collectivization efforts were catastrophic and in both Russia and China there were experiments with limited free market reforms, but neither Stalin or Mao wanted to implement anything that might threaten their power base. After Lenin’s death, Stalin chased Trotsky out of power and started more severe collectivization programs that in lead to a protracted famine.
Marx aside, all secular education entities are practicing indoctrination.

One washed brain equals one vote.
We need to be educated about the various ideologies of the world. If we are ignorant of them, we’re more likely to fall for those that sound good on the surface, but have serious drawbacks and can even be evil. An educated populace is an enlightened populace, and that helps keep us free. Ignorance can lead to enslavement.
We need to be educated about the various ideologies of the world.
Overwhelmingly they are not getting various ideologies. But rather, only whatever the professor personally deems high on their own agenda; and taught in ways to put one over the other. There doesn’t seem to be equality or even correct information given. Ask (almost) any average college student age 18-22 to explain the pros and cons of Socialism for example; overwhelmingly they will start to stutter something akin to ‘being social’ ‘loving everyone’ and ‘being fair to everyone and equal’ but have zero understanding of what socialism is compared to Marxism or capitalism and how they differ from each other and what the long term implications of each are or what history has taught us.

Most higher education learning centers are quite liberal and teach to that ideological swing. Our family just finished with 3 our kids graduating from 3 different colleges/universities in 3 different states, along with my Godson/3 nephews - all different universities/states. The only one that wasn’t force-fed (daily) by personal views and comments and teachings of the professors in various ways and classes was the one that graduated from a Catholic university in the midwest. She was double majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology - and it was a ‘smaller’ university so perhaps that is why she didn’t have to encounter it as much as the other 5 have. Even THEY will tell you FLAT OUT that their schools were saturated with biased teachings.

No… things are not being taught equally or fact based without agendas or propaganda. Until they are, young people can’t see the truth of any ideology unless they spend personal time learning outside of the classrooms.
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Did Nietzche favor the powerful like the aristocrats and those who can wield authority over others with no regard to morality? Yes. Did Nietzche favor certain appearances over others like what he called the Blond Haired Blue Eyed Beast (he meant it in a good way)? Yes. Did Nietzche see morality and Christianity as a crutch for the weaker masses and advocate for it’s liberation so the strong would no longer have to abide by it? Yes.
Morality is basically just knowing right from wrong, and good moral conduct is choosing to do right and avoiding doing wrong. Morality isn’t a crutch for the “weaker” masses. There’s strength in morality – strong people do what’s right when it would be much easier and more expedient to do what’s wrong. Only people who want power at all costs use that condescending excuse that morality is for the weak.
Yah, I don’t support Nietzche’s views. When I think of people Nietzche would support as the almost ideal situation it would be Jeffrey Epstein types. There out there. And again, for Nietzche it wouldn’t necessarily be physically strong but in power or positions of power.

Again, I think the secular wold is going that direction. In terms of lasting damage, Marxism is out. However, Nietzche, Freud and Darwin are in. Especially in the case of Social Darwinism and Eugenics, that’s going to be prevailing issue for a long time. Potentially designer children; people do, do that nowadays. Well, actually it’s been around for long time, fertility sites.

Then a younger generation not adhering towards any morality but what feels good (Hedonism) and will make short-term to long-term gain for themselves even if it is at the expense of others. That’s straight out of the Nietzche play book. Again, it goes on quite a bit.

So, as a Catholic I favor the common man and human bonding with the most amount people. Being kind of loving to my neighbor without expectation of anything in return.
I find it somewhat amusing that Catholics seem to resort quickly to the same “brainwashing” accusation that secular society levels against religious education. Tell me, why is it education when a Catholic school teaches children the faith, but brainwashing when a secular institution teaches children their mores?
What does that mean? You want Trump to control what/how they teach at Universities?
Universities have always been the hotbed of new thoughts. Sometimes it’s liberal and sometimes it’s conservative. Ideally, one would be exposed to all kinds of ideas at college. Nothing should be off the table! Certain areas of study tend words more liberal thought and some areas more conservative but a well rounded education should include all thoughts. Most actually do but it depends on your area of study. If someone claims all Uni is liberal, tell them to look at business, law and economics!
What’s off the table at many universities are traditional views, not liberal ones.
Sorry, haven’t read down, but in some Catholic high schools as well.
I am tired hearing Catholic high school students saying, Communism has never really been tried.”
What does that mean? You want Trump to control what/how they teach at Universities?
If a large number of students graduate from a college or university believing that socialism is the grand solution or even a viable system of government, that school is actually failing those students. It is either intentionally trying to corrupt the minds of the students or, the teachers/professors don’t know any better themselves and should not be teaching. The government needs to evaluate these situations and make sure the schools are actually servicing the students.
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