What is your single life like?

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This is kind of a follow-up to my other question about being single:
How would you describe your single life?
Permanent as I want to be a Priest (So, my “Single life” is a slightly different type to many of yours). It can be a burden, particularly being at school with lots of people around dating and lots of pretty girls. However, although it’s difficult, I don’t feel sorry for myself as I feel I have a different path.
Voluntary? Involuntary? Fun? Boring? Financially easy?
Well, voluntary in the sense that I have chosen to do what I feel the Lord is calling me to. It’s both fun and boring, but it does allow me to have special relationships with girls without a sexual element.
Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?
Well, still being at school, I am lucky insofar as I get to see my friends everyday and there are many activies at the Church to keep me socially entertained.
How much are you involved with your church?
I’m an Altar server (which is a great priviledge) and also I help catechise young people within the Church, also, there is a great bible study.
Do you date a lot?
Sometimes I feel I want to, as it would give an extra dimension to my life and it would be quite cute to have a special lass to take care of. But I don’t date at all, given that I think it would be unfair as I’m thinking about becoming a Priest.

God bless you all.

This is kind of a follow-up to my other question about being single:
How would you describe your single life?
Voluntary? Involuntary? Fun? Boring? Financially easy?
Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?
How much are you involved with your church?
Do you date a lot?
Just seeing how other single people are…most of my friends are married.
I’m so happy to see other folks a lot like me here!

I love my single life right now. I was married, since divorced and so much better off. I’m sure I wouldn’t say that if my marriage had been happy and healthy. It was neither. The more I learn about myself, the more I think marriage was not my vocation and I “forced” it.

**Voluntary? Involuntary? **

Voluntary, I guess, since I chose to divorce my former spouse. And since I’m not currently interested in doing anything to get into a romantic relationship. MAYBE in the future.

**Fun? **
Pretty fun, yeah. I love the sense of freedom I have. There is usually no one to ask about plans I want to make. I’m a one-schedule household and it’s such a luxury to pick up and go when I feel led.

**Boring? **
Sure, sometimes. I still have to eat, hence I still have to work. Still have a lawn so I still have to do yard work, etc.

Financially easy?
Funny…I have to say yes although my income is about a tenth of my married tax filings were. Since I’m happier, I’m not filling the holes with things, meals, vacations that cost money. I’m poor but I feel pretty rich!

Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?

I am blessed to have a wonderful group of friends that I see every couple of weeks for wine or dinner and chat. There are other friends from church (married couples and older single ladies), some work colleagues, and acquaintances associated with my hobbies.

How much are you involved with your church?
Maybe too much, if that’s even possible. I volunteer with two groups at the parish and one group outside the parish. I do Adoration. I love Mass but I’m not a morning person so I rarely make it to daily Mass. Sometimes I join the Rosary group. I feel blessed in my work…I run a small business so, while I don’t really have “time”, I have a flexible schedule that allows me to volunteer a lot.

At first, yes, I felt that my parish was not welcoming to single people who weren’t teenagers. I felt like I had horns on my head or something. But I just kept shoehorning myself in there! There’s still no good 30s singles group at the parish, but I’ve met the people I wanted to meet by getting involved. When our pastor heard that I was frustrated about not fitting in, he quickly found something for me to do, let me tell you!!! 🙂

Do you date a lot?
Nope. I do things with friends, male and female, in groups or in twos, but I wouldn’t call it dating. Too soon, I must admit.
How would you describe your single life?

Voluntary? Involuntary? Fun? Boring? Financially easy?

It’s voluntary and sort of boring because of work. I’m in the field a lot so I don’t go out much. But, when I do get days off it’s very fun. I do random things and go out all the time. Like this January I’ll be at the March for Life in D.C.

Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?

I see them when I get home. Most of my friends have scattered but a few close ones are still around.

How much are you involved with your church?

Very involved, but again, when I’m home. Daily Mass, volunteer work, whatever needs to be done I like being there helping.

Do you date a lot?

My single life is voluntary. It can be boring at times, largely because of the set routine of my life. It is not financially easy, since I am on SSI (Social Supplemental Income, a type of disability benefit) that gives me less than $900 a month, but since I live with my mother, my basic needs are met. If my mother were not so kind, I would probably be homeless.

I see my friends from church fairly often – we may not always attend the same Masses, but we are usually active in the same ministries (religious education, lectoring, EMHC). Friends who are not from church I see much less often.

I am very involved in my parish. I attend two daily Masses a week besides the Sunday Mass, and hope to gradually increase the number of daily Masses that I attend per week (my mother is not a Catholic, and I do not know how to drive, and the parish that I attend is beyond easy walking distance for me, so I do not want to impose on my mother by demanding that she chauffeur me to and from Mass every day tout suite). I serve as a lector, catechist and EMHC. I am also a Lay Carmelite. I do a weekly Holy Hour at a neighboring parish that has Adoration.

I am 42: I haven’t dated for at least 10 years, and didn’t do much dating even when I was dating 🤓
This is kind of a follow-up to my other question about being single:
How would you describe your single life?
Voluntary? Involuntary? Fun? Boring? Financially easy?
Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?
How much are you involved with your church?
Do you date a lot?
Just seeing how other single people are…most of my friends are married.
My single life is totally voluntary. Its fun I get to travel all over the world I could not do this with a wife and kids. Finanically I am extremely well off better off then my married friends who are forced to spend on their wives and children. I rather like my own money, it lets me live the leisure life which allows me to study and contemplate higher things. I have friends all over the world whom I see whenever I am there. I go to Mass thats the limit of my Church involvement. I have never dated nor will I ever. A woman would hold me back from the life I currently enjoy. Anyway I would like to have a son or “heir” but the chances of that happening are unlikely.
Every way of life and lifestyle etc., is going to have pros and cons…sometimes good, sometimes bad…or “comme ci, comme ça”. The problem with we humans can be that the grass in that paddock over there somehow and sometimes looks more appetizing than my grass in my paddock…

Life is like that …

Voluntary? Involuntary?

Mine is completely voluntary. I choose to be single and I am very, very happy with it. I discerned several years ago that I am not called to be married or to have children. Marriage is a wonderful thing and I love kids but it is not for me.

Fun? Boring?

Just as marriage has its fun moments, its boring moments, its joys and sadness, so it is with single life. There are moments when I am having lots of fun, other times when I am bored out of my mind. Most of the time, it is in between. But hey, that’s life.

Financially easy?

I am weathering the current economic crisis better than most but I do not believe it is directly linked to my status as a single man. It isn’t easy but it isn’t hard, either.

Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?

Until recently I saw two friends on a regular (daily to several times a week) basis. One has since moved out of town and become a virtual ghost. The other I still see on an every other day basis. My best friend lives out of town and I saw him every other month (IM, email, and phone the rest of the time) but he left for trucking school on the eighth of this month. I don’t expect to see him for a long time. Most of the rest are a few times a year, sometimes more frequently. It varies but I imagine as most of them marry off, I’ll see less and less of them.

How much are you involved with your church?

I try to attend daily mass (hit and miss on that) and of course I am there on Sundays. I also volunteer with the CCD program (kind of a teacher’s aide, I guess) but that is it. My parish priest felt it was better for me to commit to extensive involvement in one ministry rather than trying to get a little involved with lots of different ministries. It has been sound advice so far. I’m also discerning a call to priesthood but so far the only thing I am certain of is my call to live as a chaste celibate.

Do you date a lot?

I have never really dated and do not date now, period. It is a hassle, costs money, consumes time, and doesn’t mix well with my personality.
I belong to a lay vowed order! I profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience but live on my own in my own apartment. We can own our home (although I do NOT) and we manage on our money (we CAN be wealthy but must live simply). I am on Social Security Disability (based on my own work history) and fortunately that I have a section 8 voucher which allows me to pay 30% of MY income while living in a market rate apartment. I do a lot of volunteer work!
This is kind of a follow-up to my other question about being single:
How would you describe your single life?
Voluntary? Involuntary? Fun? Boring? Financially easy?

My single life was voluntary as I ended up not marrying the man I thought I was going to. I enjoyed my single life. I exercised a lot and spent a lot of time with my dog, which are 2 things in life that make me really happy!
It wasn’t financially easy but I didn’t want for anything.

Do you see your friends a lot? Or only a few times a month/year?
I spent a lot of time a lone, as a choice, because I work with people all day and need the quiet at night. I had friends at my gym so I always saw someone. I was also in between friends. Because of the breakup I no longer was allowed to talk to or hang out with “the wives”, so I lost much of my girlfriend base.
I did a bit of traveling to visit people.

How much are you involved with your church?
I was not involved much with my Church as I wasn’t comfortable there…but it was close so that’s where I went.

Do you date a lot?
A little…Being a little older (I was about 40 at the time) it was hard to find a decent date. LOL!

I reset my husband during this time and now I am married.

Just seeing how other single people are…most of my friends are married.
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