What is your take on Pastor Steven Anderson?

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He did preach that Jesus warned against the priests who wore long robes. And that those in Smyrna ( revelations ) have strayed from true teachings , that is , that the byzantine orthodox from turkey.
That was more because of pride rather than supposed effeminacy.
Just a quick comment from this agnostic…I haven’t heard or watched this preacher but in the atheist community some commenters remark on these types of Preachers as Liars for Jesus. They hurt the entire community of Christians by their obviously wrong and sometimes subtly wrong statements. All anyone can do is call them out with as much charity as you can muster and correct the misinformation…then walk away.

What is truly sad is that they don’t realize they are hurting all Christian faiths and lies have a way of coming to the surface. They hurt their own faith most of all.
I find it most frightening that this whole kjv movement seems to be form of terrorism that is spreading with more pastors adopting fundamentalism . There was another pastor called Roger jimenez who rejoiced at the death of gays after the shooting.
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I don’t know about that; I believe fundamentalism is on the wane, at least the Baptist variety and probably other types, too. A large percentage of the now-adult kids who grew up in that movement have not stayed in it.

Maybe it gives the illusion that it is spreading because the internet gives a platform and publicity even to the craziest people with the smallest following.
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I think he is in training to join the Westboro Baptists. Christ taught us to love not hate. His two principal commandments were to love God and our neighbour. It is charitable to point out to our neighbour they may be sinning and jeopardising their soul, but it should be done with love not hate.
He has actually denounced WBC, calling them inbred and goofy looking. 🤣
I’ve never heard of him before this post. I don’t know the full story so correct me if I’m off point here—but I think this applies to any topic.

If he is known for his severeness and aggression that’s problem 1. My opinion is that you should be leading with love. I don’t understand all the dominations and the differences between them. So I’m guessing a Baptist wouldn’t have read the catechism but idk. When regarding gay people/people struggling with homosexuality the catechism straight up says we must still respect them as people and as sons and daughters of God.

So my take? It doesn’t sound like I would get along w him very well. There is a difference in loving and supporting the people from loving or supporting the struggle/sin.
He’s a little bit of a nutcase. He says that homosexuals should be killed and that the holocaust never happened. Beyond that, he has had a positive impact on my life. His teachings concerning the end-times have had a positive impact on my soul. Overall, I like him.
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Wow, that just shows how erudite his arguments are.

I think the people from Westboro Baptist are rather more malign than simply passing them off because of how they may look.
Doesn’t scripture call for the executions of people who engage in sexual acts with members of the same gender?
I never heard of him before. Apparently, however, he needs our prayers. Maybe he will have a change of heart later in life.
Talk about extracting the good from the bad. But if he has helped you, so much the better. I somehow like Pat Robertson despite his excesses on certain issues, let alone his theology. It’s hard to explain why; maybe the individual’s personality attracts us.
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The bar for execution is intentionally set very high: two reliable eyewitnesses to the crime, which would have been hard to find. It was considered a misdeed more on the books than actively penalized.
He loves to bash the Catholic Church. I have posted some of his ridiculous vids here before. Here’s one he recently put out there:

He is a entertaining guy.

He also seems to lack the fruit of the Spirit and has some warped and rigid theology, imo. KJV only is usually downright cultish and his group is not the exception.
Defiantly, Mr. Anderson, the reason I go to Mass is to avoid them rotten zombies and vampires. 🤣 (sorry, my sarcasm game is weak)
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Yes. That’s right. We hear a lot about how “bloody” the Spanish Inquisition was… and by modern standards it was horrible. Yet… compared to the civil courts of the day it was incredibly merciful. I don’t remember the exact percentage, but it definitely executed fewer than 5% of tried. I think it was closer to 1 or 2%. …compared to the contemporary civil courts that was insane. There are accounts of criminals blaspheming so they could be transferred to the Inquisition where they were more likely to find mercy compared to the civil courts.
Isn’t this like how Scott Hahn described himself before he became Catholic? Hopefully, conversion is in his near future.

Shocking that he presents that he knows who’s in hell.
No, Scott Hahn was Presbyterian, so one can presume a modicum of sanity, even if he was anti-Catholic. 🙂 Steve Anderson is just nuts (and arrogant), and he purposely does/says outrageous things for attention.
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