My husband and I have been blessed with 5 beautiful children. However, I have been pregnant 13 times. Without alot of medical detail my body seems to fight pregnancy. I have no trouble, as you can tell, with conception.My husband and I are expecting our first child - I am about 3 weeks pregnant. When is the best time to tell others? We know that once we start telling people the news will spread fast. This is a good thing - but we don’t want to miscarry and have everyone and their brother calling us to congratulate us and have to tell them that we lost the baby.
How long did you wait to tell people that you were pregnant?
For those who waited a long time was it difficult to keep it a secret?
For those who told people early, and then miscarried, did you regret not waiting to tell people?
The reason I told you this is that I wanted you to know the warmth that you get when your family and friends are able to mourn the loss with you. Though each loss has been painful, having the love and support of another is a wonderful growing expirience.
I suggest that you tell every one now.
I understand your conceern about having to tell people that call to congradulate you. I’ll share an expirience with you: I was 20 weeks and 2 days when we lost our first son. (5days away, the Dr.s told me, from a viable fetus) When I returned to church most every one knew what had happened and all of my freinds were very loving. A woman that didn’t really know me came up all exited and wanted to know where the baby was. I obviously started to ball and ran to the bathroom. She followed me and apologised. (apparently some one had explained what had happened.) After that, we became the best of friends and still are to that day. I know it sounds like some kind of after school special but it really happened.
I lived through the expirence and gained a new friend in the process. I think you should give others the chance to rejoice with you, and if need be, sorrow with you to.