He wrote them and told them what were in the canons and why he was not going to go. I can get you the exact information from Canon Law 1917 if you would like.
No, I am not the least bit interested in why Fr. Feeney refused to go to Rome. I would have gone - I would have gladly gone. But that isn’t really germane.
The fact of the matter is, the Vatican did respond to the Father Feeney’s heretical teachings at the St. Benedict Center, and they severely rebuked Father Feeney in a letter to his ecclesial superior. The content of that Letter is what is germane. The Fathers of Vatican II referenced that letter in
Lumen Gentium 16 so that there would be no mistake that the Fathers of Vatican II
agreed with the contents of the Letter, and
disageed with the false teaching of Father Feeney.
It is a tragedy that the heresy of Feeneyism is on the rise again among the far right Catholics. But that is only a sign of the times, I suppose. Pick and choose isn’t limited to only the liberal dissenters.
- I don’t believe in “invicible ignorance.”*
Too bad for you. Again, why should any Catholic believe that your private interpretations of Church teaching are more authoritative than what Catholics receive from the Magisterium? Who made the Feeneyites the authoritative teaching body of the Catholic Church?
- The Teaching Church has defined before that this means that no one can be saved outside the visible Church.*
Where has the Church ever said no one can be saved outside the
visible Church? This is only your opinion, and not Church teaching. The OT saints were certainly saved outside of the **visible ** church. The Catholic Church is more than the Church Militant. The Catholic Church is also the Church Suffering and the Church Triumphant. It is quite true that there is no man in Heaven that is not part of the Church Triumphant. It is not true that a man living in invincible ignorance cannot be saved. That is something that only fundamentalist Protestants believe:
“I am sorry Morning Dove that you are upset. If your Sioux grandmother didn’t confess Jesus as her own personal Lord and Savior, then she is spending her eternity in Hell. What? You say that she never had the chance to confess Jesus because no one ever taught her the Gospel? I am sorry that God’s Word upsets you, but there are no exceptions – your beloved grandma is in Hell – and all the rest of your ancestors are too because they all died as unsaved pagans. Now quit your crying – God is love.”
The Church’s teaching on invincible ignorance is precisely what keeps the Catholic Church from falling into the meanness of Protestant fundamentalism.