What One Man Saw

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One lone blogger and what he saw in the Inauguration Parade:

"…All the while the Navy seaman stood at attention, only occasionally shooting a glance behind them when one of the protestors would spit or throw trash at them. An ensign walked down the line. He stopped to talk to some of the seamen, probably telling them to ignore the protestors no matter what. At least I assume they were under orders not to move, for when the protestors began to tear down the flags of the fleet that hung from the memorial, a certain chisel line formed on a number of the seamen’s jaws.

It was difficult for me to watch the sailors on my side of the parade route watch as across the street protestors put the Navy Memorial flags down their pants in (perhaps) mock desecration. More twisting and coiling, and then up went the flags of the revolution: upside down pink triangles, black symbols of entropy and chaos, white flags smeared with brown and red were all hoisted up the memorial flag stands.

Bush supporters began to boo. Then, there outrage turned to clapping. The parade had stopped, and riot police, marching at the quick, came down the parade route. They stopped along side the memorial and began talking with the protestors. Again the mob rocked and tossed; with the memorial flag poles made to look like the double masts of a sea-going vessel, they looked the perfect ship of fools.

Just so, someone in the throng threw a bottle against the lead riot cop’s helmet. Many things happened all at once.

The riot police, like a boarding party, tore back the guard rails and ran into the crowd of protestors that fell back in all directions from the onslaught. Democrat families, feeling the sudden and frightening squeeze of the protestors trying to escape to the wings, began desperately handing their children over the rails to the Bush supporters in the adjacent sections for fear of their safety in the press and din. Billy clubs rose and fell about a dozen times in a sea of ski-masks and plastic shields. Whistles and shouts of approval from the Bush supporters quickly rose and fell with each swing of the wooden batons. Protestors were dragged from their rooks on the flag poles, and some were dragged out into the parade route, ski-masks removed, and all to the now rising clapped chant of “Law and Order” from the Bush supporters.

After a time, order was restored, and the many protestors that remained contented themselves with coiling and rocking in their ship of discontent. Bush, with rolled up windows, made a speedy pass of the memorial. The seamen stood at attention. The rain poured. And I thanked God and my stars that Bush won the election. Do not forget what could have been.

There aren’t words to express my disgust at any American who spits on our military and defiles the memory who sacrificed their lives so that these cretons can live in a free nation. There is NO excuse. What ever your feelings are on the war or the president of our country, there is NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior. There is no justification what so ever for spitting on the men and women who bravely serve our country while “protesters” hid their cowardice behind a ski mask.
I am very proud of those sailors for maintaining their bearings, I am a Navy veteran, and proud of my time in the service even if it was cut short by my injury. I can guaranty you that if I had been there amongest the parade watchers that I would have not sat by and let them spit on those sailors! I hope the Capital Police throw the book at these so called protesters, I’m sure they were anarchist, and only there to start fights and desecrate our monuments. They are cowards, hiding behind those ski mask, each and every one of them!

God bless all our servicemen and women, where ever they may be.

Linda H.
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Here’s a link for a follow up on this young Marine:


Any of those little punks that have no respect for the ones who go in harm’s way to protect THEIR right to behave like idiots needs to be beaten with pool cues.

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