I have been the Scoutmaster for the Troop which is now chartered through our Parish, prior to that was chartered by our K of C Council. Probably spent 1,000 hours each year for the past 4 years. Many of our Eagle Scout projects and service projects are for our Parish, or the 2 cemeteries which the Parish is over. Next year our Troop will be 100 years old.
I have been a member of our K of C Council for 25 years now. Every Thursday night for the past 60 years or so we hold a persons with disability dance, and have a PWD freethrow contest each year. We feed at the local homeless shelter several times per year. Have been an officer of one kind or another in the KC’s for probably 15 years, and president of the Columbus Club for about 10, making certain the building is kept up. Our council sponsors 6 seminarians and the Carmelite Sisters with stipends each month, along with donations to organizations within the parish. We probably donate over 30k each year to other charitable causes.
I frequently mow at one of the 2 cemeteries for our Parish because they don’t keep them up properly.
My son and I play with the other musicians during VBS.
I often go with other KC’s or men in the Parish to pick up pallets diapers which are distributed through our Gabriel project to needy families in our community.
Nothing in the forefront at the Parish, there are others that fit better in those roles.